WGU, I'm convinced but I have some questions.


So I'm finishing up the first year of a 2year program for an associates degree from a community college. I was getting frustrated bored and even angry at my teachers, classmates, and myself for even entering this horrible program, and that I'd have to be in it for another year and not even to get my BSN.

enter WGU, I really looked at it now in a way I hadn't before because I live in Washington but after talking it over with my family we agree that moving to Texas will work for us.

now for the questions. I currently have a 3.34 GPA, due to rise maybe a little bit after a few more prereq's, and I got an 82 on my TEAS. Do you guys think I have a good chance of getting into their program? as much as I hate the one I'm in, it will still make me a nurse someday and I'm not sure if I'm willing to give it up unless I know the odds are in my favor. I can always retake the TEAS which I feel confident that after a year of nursing school I'd be able to get around a 90 if I really focused, but that GPA ain't gettin' any bigger.

next question: Does a Communications class count as an intro to humanities. I dont have any at my school but I did take something called Behavior communication my freshman year for 3credits and that's all I can think of being an intro to humanities class. on that same note, they don't offer a survey in U.S. and World history, would it be alright if I took just a regular first quarter history? just US history or Just world history?

finally, does anyone have any experience in moving to a pre-licensure available state? I want to try and take my pre-nursing while I'm still in Washington and try and get accepted to WGU Nursing before I uproot and move to Texas. I'm only 21 so I don't have a lot going for me here, but I do have something and I'm not sure I'm willing to give it up on a maybe.

Let me know guys!

I would get your ADN at your current place and do the RN-BSN program at WGU (which some people can finish in 6 months). That will be even fast than starting all over and taking 2.5 years to complete the prelicensure program.

not with the speed at which i work, may people get the program at WGU done very quickly, within 1 year.

With the prelicensure program you can't accelerate. Each semester has built in classes you need to take for that particular semester and when you're done with a semester you move on to the next set of classes. There's no way in finishing the program in less than 2.5 years.

Im in the program so I know. If I could accelerate you bet I would lol.

so I'm confused because the school told me I could as well as several people from past years on here said they had?

The BSN-Prelicensure is the only WGU program that you cannot accelerate. Once you already have your RN license, you can accelerate with the RN-BSN program and MSN. That's why my advice to your current program get your RN license and accelerate through the RN-BSN program. You can also do RN-MSN.

With the prelicensure you advance with your cohort every 6 months to a new semester. I am not sure who you spoke with at WGU but make sure you spoke to a prelicensure rep not the RN-BSN rep.

I have actually looked it up and guess I realized I was misreading it. I apologize. :( makes me kind of sad I think I was pretty excited to move to Austin, but it's nice that the BSN is accelerated

Don't apologize. I thought the exact same thing when I was in your position, except no one told me until I had already been accepted in the program. Well you shouldn't let it stop you from moving to Austin in the future!

Regardless, a lot of people would kill to be in your shoes. You are already in a nursing program and only 1 year away from graduation! Once you graduate, your classmates, faculty, and staff will all be a distant memory. Keep going, before you know it you'll be applying to RN-BSN programs!

Specializes in Cosmetic RN.

next question: Does a Communications class count as an intro to humanities. I dont have any at my school but I did take something called Behavior communication my freshman year for 3credits and that's all I can think of being an intro to humanities class. on that same note, they don't offer a survey in U.S. and World history, would it be alright if I took just a regular first quarter history? just US history or Just world history?

Here is a list from WGU of classes that can be substituted and what they will accept instead. I did look and it doesn't seem like communication is an acceptable substitution for humanities. But have a look for your self.

Alternative Sources for Transferable Courses

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