Westchester medical center interview

Nurses Job Hunt


Hi everyone! I recently interviewed at westchester medical center with HR and with a nurse manager. I interviewed almost 2 weeks ago and haven't heard back yet. I was wondering if anyone else has interviewed recently and heard anything? Or if someone's been in a similar situation at this hospital and about how long it took to hear back? Any information would help really :)

thank you!

I really hope so!!!! I'm getting nervous

Anything yet??

Hey, have any of you heard back yet?

Yeah! I got offered a job in the labor and delivery unit! Have you heard ??

Congrats!! I was called, can you could PM so you can tell me about the whole interview process?

Hey KatTheRN, I sent you a PM but I don't know if you can answer, I was wondering if you started at the NICU. If you have, do you mind giving me some insight on how its going so far?

Hey! I emailed you, PM didnt work!

KattheRN, did you ever hear back!!?? Hope you got a job offer!

Such a long story! I interviewed from them on 6/20/2017 for a NICU position for the September start date! Interview went very well! I followed up with nurse manager and the nurse recruitor after the interview and they assured me they would get back to me soon. I contacted the nurse manager at LEAST once a week for the whole month of July and August. NO RESPONSE! Finally!! I contacted the Nurse Manager of the NICU the second to last week of August saying I havent been able to get into contact with my nurse recruitor for weeks and was wondering if you made a decision! She said that the September hires have been made. She interviewed over 30 candidates for 6 September hire positions. She liked a lot of people so what she did to be fair is hired in the order people interviewed (unfortunately I was not one of the first even though I interviewed in June!) She told me she will be hiring for the November start date soon (they only have start dates every other month in NICU) and will be considering some of the June/July candidates for the open November position and will include me in the discussion during the hiring meeting! Im supposed to hear this week if I got offered a November hire position or not! Not sure if I should wait around or move on to somewhere else at this point :(

oh no! well please keep us posted, i hope you hear really soon about the November spot! fingers crossed for you!

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