Weatherford College ADN 2019 (fall/spring)

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello! Anybody applying for the Weatherford College/ Weatherford College Wise County ADN 2019 program for fall and/or spring? If so, what points do you guys currently have, or will have once you apply? I have seen in pasts posts those who were accepted had between 28 or 32 points and up, but I could be wrong. Also, how did you guys score on the TEAS, any advice on that? I see that there is no current topic posted for this specific nursing semester and figured we could all share tips and see where we are standing. (:

#WEAreFutureNurses #ItWontBeEasyButItWillBeWORTHIT!

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Welcome to!

Good luck in your Nursing program, l_loue

Hi!! I am going to apply for weatherfords nursing program for admission in the fall 2019! If I do decent on the TEAS, im calculating 38 points for me. Thats IF my total for TEAS is at least 83-86. I've heard the TEAS is pretty hard. What are you doing to study for it?

Awesome!!! I am currently using the Mometrix Textbook to study and there is a facebook page all about the TEAS where members post questions/reviews/ tips concerning the TEAS! What are you using? When are you planning on taking the TEAS? I am terrified to take it and planning on taking it August 23rd!

Hi y'all!

I applied to the Spring 2019 semester with 35 points. Today was the application deadline so now it's just a waiting game. As for the TEAS, I did all the online practice tests like mometrix, but I would highly recommend signing up for the free workshop at WC. They give you the entire math and science sections straight out of the TSI TEAS study manual, and go over the practice test. They also do refreshers on a lot of good info that was on the test. The thing that helped me the most though was taking microbiology. I took the TEAS first and made a 76, all my sections were pretty high except for science which I made a 46 :( I decided to take micro and try again and I got a 86 on my TEAS! So definitely take your sciences first if it's not your strong subject. We have a Facebook page for Spring 2019 if anyone would like to join just to get some info and have people to talk to, I'll link it below.

Good luck everyone!

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YAY!!! Let us know how it goes!!!!!

I would love to connect with the TEAS facebook page, I tried searching it but couldn't find it. If you don't mind, what is the exact name of the group page? BTW, I am applying for the Fall 2019 class ;)

Great!!! when are you planning on taking it? Im taking it August 23rd! Here is the link! ATI TEAS 6 Test - Study Group Public Group | Facebook

I am doing the TEAS workshop on sept 14th, so I'm hoping that will help!! And I would also like to know the Facebook page as well!!

Hey guys! I applied for spring of 2019 with 28 points. Starting to get nervous with the thought of letters going out soon! I see most of you are applying for the fall which I will also be applying for if I don't get in for spring. Best of luck to you guys :)

Yay!! Let us know how it goes!!!!

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