Published Aug 13, 2009
5 Posts
Can the nursing classes be taken part time? Or do they have to be taken just as shown by semester in the course program list which averages 14 credits per semester...
How long should it take to do the pre req's?
Can the biology classes be taken together in the same semester even if one is a pre req for another? Just wondering how to do it if I take 1 bio class + psy and eng the first semester and that leaves the rest in bio classes... How can the pre req's be taken the quickest and best way?
I am new to all this, sorry if the questions seem dumb, lol
Any help is appreciated!
35 Posts
How I took my pre reqs was
1. Bio 155 and Eng 119
2. A&P 1 and Psy 100
3. A&P 2 and Micro
Then I took co-reqs while waiting to get in
4. Nutrition, Med math and Patho
5. Lifespan development and Sociology
6. English 120 and goverment
I now only have nursing classes to take. I am so glad I did this. I see other classmates having to juggle the other classes with it and seems really hard.
71 Posts
You have to complete Bio 155 before you can take Micro or anatomy. You can take either anatomy with micro if u want ( but not recommend by the advisors) but you can't take both anatomys together. I took anatomy 2 and micro summer of 08 nd got an A in anatomy and a C in micro. I apllied with a 3.3 and ended up retaking micro to later get an A. I believe those to can be taken together just mae sure you dont get impossibl instructors. Look on most of those rating are pretty accurate. Besides that the order I took my pre nd co res were:
1. Bio155
Eng 119
Psy 101
2. Anatomy 1
Political science
3. Anatomy 2
4. Patho
Eng 120
5. Micro (retaken)
Soc 101
I too have finished all pre and co reqs and just PRAY for a positive letter, whenever their kind enough to send them..
hope this helps, TIFF :)
What are co-req's? Are there more classes than the 5 listed for the nursing program? Or are those just classes you took while waiting to get in? Does it give you a better chance of getting in?
88 Posts
It took me four semesters to finish all of my pre-reqs - it should have only taken three, but I didn't take BIO 155 until my second semester - and six in total (including the upcoming Fall 2009) to finish off the co-reqs.
Here's how I did mine:
Summer 2007 - Eng 119, Soc 100, Psy 101
Fall 2007 - Bio 155, Eng 120, PS 101
Spring 2008 - Bio 240, DT 130
Fall 2008 - Bio 250, Bio 295 (Some recommend against taking 250 and 295 together; I had no problem, and got As in both.)
Spring 2009 - Bio 252, Lifespan Development (used to be HSC 200, I believe; I think it's considered a PSY now?)
Fall 2009 (what I'll be taking this coming semester) - HSC 100
Three semesters is the bare minimum, since Bio 155, Bio 240, and Bio 250 must be taken separately and in that order.
The co-reqs are Fundamentals of Nutrition (DT 130), Lifespan Development (formerly HSC 200, may be PSY 200 now), Pathophysiology (Bio 295), Sociology 100 (I think you can take an anthro class instead?), English 120, and American Government (forgive me if I missed one, fellow WCCCD-ites! ). You can wait until you're in the program to do these classes, but it's strongly recommended to get them done before getting in the program - I can't tell you how many nursing students I had in my patho, lifespan, and nutrition classes who could have kicked themselves in the behind for not getting the classes done before getting into the program. You can get up to 5 points (on the 100 point scale) for having your co-reqs done by the time you apply; it's not a big advantage, but it's good to have.
I have to second Tiffie1210's suggestion about checking before signing up for any class. MySpace also has professor grading. I've reviewed professors on both sites, and I've never taken a class without checking reviews on the instructors/professors first. If you're planning to take classes at Downriver or Western (the only campuses at which I've taken classes so far), I'd be happy to recommend some good (and, in the case of my BIO classes, fantastic) instructors (not here, of course, but by email).
21 Posts
shannonW, same here it took me four years to get my pre-reqs and done with my co-reqs expt HSC 100 (only 1 crdt hur.) (it was required to pass NET exam to take this class) I don't know about now because of the change so I will take this class next semester. By the way shannon check your gmail I sent you an email.
I will tlak to you soon.