Wayne state University or Oakland University Nursing School?!

U.S.A. Michigan


Hi I am a pre-nursing nursing student and I applied to both of these Nursing schools. I haven't gotten my acceptance (or reject) letter In the mail yet .. I find out sometime this week! But I was wondering what do you guys think has a better nursing school? Any personal experience? Websites known for me to look up, etc.

Let me know !! :)

I really appreciate this post because I am in the process of researching and looking forward to applying for both WSU and OU accelerated programs. Im also looking at the new MSU one in Detroit. I do not graduate until May 2015 with a BS in Psychology, my overall GPA is a 3.1 :(. I actually finished all of my pre-reqs at WSU about a year ago and I can admit it is not the strongest on its own (damn those science courses), which is why I decided to try for CD2 programs. The degree in psych is a plan on the bottom of my list (going to try for Masters in Social Work). However my passion is Nursing and its what I really want to do. I am a CNA and been working the past 6 months, and over 128 service hours- including RN shadowing, and very active in organizations at WSU. What do any of you guys think my chances of acceptance are?

Hi I just got accepted into the CD2 program at wayne state. Can you please tell me about your experience. I heard it was so difficult that many ppl ended up failing out. Also, what are the requirements now regarding the HESI exam?

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