Published Mar 19, 2014
101 Posts
Hello everyone, have you heard about the new changes WSU has implemented, prior to Fall 2014? Well I just attended one of their CD2 information meeting (my second) which informed the applicants that their will no longer be any interviews, and no more 24 hours pre-req for BSN shadowing will be required. The reasons they gave...'It was very difficult for the applicants to get permission to shadowing BSN for safety and legal privacy issues'. Wow... Now they change that pre-req rule....after I searched for over 3 months and finally got 40 hours of BSN shadowing...and especially after I was told repeatedly...No No No! I guess the shadowing was not wasted...because. boy have things much is computerized now...compared to now and then!
Now comes the dreaded long, long, long wait until June 30, 2014 for an acceptance notification on Con. That wait is going to be torture for me...just waiting...because I am so happy that all my pre-reqs are done and my application process is comes the wait. How about you? I planned on utilizing that time to go over NCLEX questions.
How about you still have pre-reqs to complete? Have you applied to other schools? If so, which school do you think is the best for you? Good luck everyone. let's keep in touch and support one another. By the way I do not have face book so I can't join you there. let's talk for our future!
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
Not at all unexpected. "Shadowing" is a huge liability for healthcare organizations.
You are sooooooooooo right HouTx!!!!! I was NOT allowed to touch a patient; look in their file; touch the computer with information; touch any med cart; go anywhere without a shadow...and this was done all with the knowledge that I was an experienced 28 yrs LPN, and who had already gone through background check; fingerprinted; shots updated; filled out forms; safety rules; Hippa regulations; etc...And I am so proud of Detroit Receiving Hospital Neuro trauma unit for giving me that valuable opportunity to shadow a BSN and teaching me the enforcement importance of safety; privacy; and the great opportunity to see real true honorable nursing on an experienced trauma floor unit...for 3 days. Boy...did they make me feel proud to start a BSN degree program!!!!!!!
Hey, did anyone else have difficulty in getting your 24 hours shadowing, or if you did what were your experiences?
Now we start the count down for the long wait for that notification from WSU. I have already been accepted by Oakland University ASDN CD2 nursing week ago...Yay...Yep!!!!
Come on everyone lets support each other on this site!!!!
I just started Wayne State and absolutely love it!! Because I already have a Biology degree, I am doing their accelerated CD2 program which will just take 16 months. I definitely suggest taking Pharmacology and Pathophysiology before the program. I didn't know they allowed it until after I started and people in my clinical weren't in class with me. It'll save you money (if you take it at HFCC) and give you a lighter load. Let me know if you have any questions about the process - I'm happy to help! :)
Hi had no ideal that you could take Patho and Pharm prior to, and that WSU would accept another school's Patho and Pharm...and especially from a community college. This is great news! Did this just start this past year and is it still in effect.
I know your reply post is Sept '13 and my request post is Mar'14 but I hope you get this post, to help me with some questions.
I am waiting on Wayne State's 2014 2nd degree nursing program, and I just got accepted into Oakland University accelerated 2nd degree program, who has insisted that you must take their Patho, Pharm, and Informatic only at their school, or you will forfeit their program.
I would love to save the money and go to a community college, and that way if WSU calls me, I would have saved money and eliminated those classes. Or, should I just take them at OU lose $3000 in cost, but 'kill two birds with one stone' and have the options of having both choices of schools to pick from, because I would have complete both classes.
Back in Jan'14 I specifically called WSU and asked if I could do the vary same thing of taking those pacific classes some where else, and that person instructed me that I could not. Because WSU Patho and Pharm was a 'NUR' class for WSU an another school may not cover what they cover...and that I would need the syllabus from a 4yr college nursing program only to compare classes...Is that true or not???? Have their been changes...if so when...and who can I confirm it with.
Thanks AnnieMc for that great information...that is what we need, to stay informed. I hope you get this post.
Quote from angelj11
Hi angelj11 I support your wise decision on making your own evaluation on the cost of the program, whether, you are accepted or not. It sounds like you had options to different nursing programs.
Your interview sounds like it was positive at UDM...which was great...but I am wondering whether a few more schools my take the approach of WSU changes and eliminate the interview process entirely.
I had my interview with OU...but it was a telephone interview only, for Winter 2015, that lasted approximately 20 mins...and I was made to feel very comfortable...and later accepted into the ASDN. However, they have discontinued the in-person interviews, and they have stopped the essay's (2nd degree program).
I believed that the schools are recognizing that most people are going to say, and or write, the right things to get them into the program...or some who just do not interview good, but would be a great nurse. Therefore the judgement is no longer a true indicator for that true nurse.
What do you think is happening with these new changes at the nursing later? What do you all think out there? ...I would like to get some feed back also from the past, present, and future nurse applicants.
Angelj11 are you in a traditional or a Acelerated program? And...did MSN ask for an essay and or interview process? When do you start?
Yes I am curious to know why they are eliminating the interview process. At UDM the director had told me the reason they do interviews is because they want to get a feel for the person. I can understand that reason but a person can also be a "pretender" and tell you what you want to here. I think they should still do interviews though. The MSN program is accelerated, 15 months. I had to submit an essay and I had a phone interview since I am out of state.
The MSN program is accelerated, 15 months. I had to submit an essay and I had a phone interview since I am out of state.
Congrats on getting into MSN;s program,
I agree angelj11...I too believe that the schools should still do interviews. Why...because at least they would have a visual, of what possibly their schools are putting out there, with the lives of others in their hands...and for the very least, the schools have the responsibility of acting as the middle person, as a school interviewer of candidates to become nurses, by policing their applicants, as best as one can...for the safety of that future patient. Their has to be some types of safe guards put in place.
However, I have another issue with these nursing schools, that seems to show no rhyme or reason, for the length of time that these accelerated BSN second degree nursing programs go about how long they are completed, within all of these different 'completion' amount of time dates. OU's ASDN goes for 12 months; Wayne States CD2 goes for 17 months; and MSN program for 15 months...yet all of the courses pretty much have, in order, the same curriculum's in order to pass the same NCLEX.
Why do you think that there is such a big time frame difference in these similar accelerated BSN programs? Do you believe a longer program gives more wait in numbers, of exactly what schools are passing the state's boards compared to those who are not doing so well, in passing...because of their length of time of their programs?
1 Post
When did you apply to the accelerated program at Oakland? Also, when did you have your phone interview, about how long after you applied? I just applied, and was wondering if maybe I would get a phone interview too… I thought they eliminated any type of interview, but now after reading your post I am a little more hopeful of my chances of getting into the program. Due to some previous health issues, my Pre-Nursing GPA is only a 3.55, but I have worked in a hospital for 3 years and have lots of healthcare experience so I'm not too impressed they only base admission on grades now.
Hi jsnyder327, I don;t know if you recognized that you read my Wayne State University (WSU) posted thread on changes for interviews... not my Oakland University (OU) posted thread on changed interviews. And I believe your question is about OU's interview process not WSU. It is Wayne State that has discontinued their interviews and the voluntary BSN nursing shadowing...not OU.
I applied to OU in Dec. of 2013 for the Winter 2015 start date. I had my telephone interview mid Feb. 2014,... and received my acceptance letter March 8, 2014. Yay!!!
I know that OU has eliminated the walk-in interviews and the essay for the ASDN program...and quiet as it is kept, I think the telephone interviews are going to be canceled also. Because I heard from more than a few, who stated that their telephone interview did not go well, at all. That the connections of the interviewers were not that well heard..that you would be answering the question to one of the 3 interviewers, while the other interviewer would be stepping(so to speak) on your answered comments directed to the other interviewers.
However, my interview went "Great" for OU...they made me feel very welcomed. They were very serious and funny, in a relaxing way,...they were very thorough in their questions presented to me...and the interview was a total of 20 minutes, and most importantly, they congratulated me for applying to the program...just before they hung up the I was very pleased with my interview at OU.
Have you heard that Oakland University Accelerated 2nd degree nursing program(ASDN) program location has been changed from the Oakland University Riverview institute, in Detroit Anton/Frankel Center in Macomb County? The move will be By April 30, 2014.
Boy...I was floored when I heard of this change effecting my driving distance and my gas price increase that would be in additional to my cost. I heard from a lot of future nurses who literally picked OU, in the past and present, from other schools just because of the central location...mine you I have also heard the opposite...also.
Remember, OU has 3 separate entry points, Fall/Summer/Winter, so each cut off point for the GPA changes. I was told for the Winter 2015 entry date, the cut off was at 3.52 GPA. I was not given the other GPA's cut off for the other times...and frankly I was only concerned about mine, for the purpose only, for my other friends who were also considering applying at OU.
I hope you have recovered well from your previous health issues. Good luck in getting accepted into the OU ASDN program, and let us soon as you get into the program and receive your acceptance letter.(smile)
Hey, jsnyder327, I also have a posted thread for us on Oakland University on this site, and I hope you join us there...also. This thread was for Wayne State, but if you go to Student Pre-nursing you will find the listings of our post. Good luck.
Wow!!! I just got an email from WSU and almost had a heart attack. they were just reminding me that my application was complete, however, if I needed to get any more document into was the time to do it, before June 1 2014 deadline.
They also informed me that notifications was going out in the first part of June 2014, and to check my application status box.(as if I have not been checking that box since Jan of this year!!!!)
Now you see....I know that was just a genetic email letter...however, if they know my application was complete why send out the teaser email letter.
Hey I over thinking here...or are you as anxious as I am?????
Today I received an email from a school, (one of my top picks) the subject line read "Congratulations!" I open the email to find they are inviting me to participate in the graduation ceremony for my other degree. Son of a...
Well...Wayne State University, they did it again. I just got notified that the deadline is nearing, June 1, 2014, and because that day falls on a Sunday...they just wanted to seen out a reminder!!!!!!!!
My heart dropped...and I thought...they need to stop doing this. If no one know what the deadline is by now...they don't need to be in a nursing school...right!?.
And then I came to my senses, and felt sorry for the people who are just finishing up their pre-reqs...and then I became respectful of the process...and appreciated their reminder.................but just for moment...............just kidding!!!
But I will add they did state this that, we would be notified in June, and an alternate list will be listed, if there were to be any openings.
Please cross your fingers for me!!!!!
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