Wayne State CD-2 Program


I'm applying to Wayne State for the fall of 08 and I just learned that they have changed their admissions criteria. It is based on 1. If you took all your prerreq's at Wayne State with a 3.5 GPA, 2. If you took all your science classes at Wayne 3. If you have not had any repeat courses, 4. If you have a 3.0 or higher and no course repeats, 5. You took all you courses elsewhere and no repeats 6. All other on GPA only.

This is ridicoulous I have been taking prereq courses for Wayne for the past couple years and yes I have had course repeats from back in the day when I was in undergrad I took a A&P course and got a C and retook it in order to be competitive. They are making it harder and its not fair. In 2006 they admitted 80-84 applicants fall of 2007 they admitted 66% of their applicants 72 out of 109 which is good, more than half of those who applied were admitted.

I would like to get the opinion of anyone who has applied or was accepted into Wayne's CD-2 program and what their thoughts is on this admission criteria.


I applied to the program last year and they had similar "preference" for Wayne State people, but they even said that it probably doesn't affect all that many people anyway, so don't worry about it. They actually came out and said it may smarter to get your prereqs at a community college - much cheaper, and it doesn't count against you any more than any other college (eg - would it count less to take bio 101 at HFCC than at a 4 year university such as U of M? not at all).

I wouldn't worry too much about that part. Not sure about the class repeats, though. I thought they counted the LAST class you took, and maybe penalized you a few points for repeat.

I guess its best to look around at different programs. I thought the Wayne State program was great, but it didn't work out for me. There are others out there.

As to your question, no, I don't really think that it's fair... it's a second degree program - you have to have a degree already to even think about it, and how many people just happened to get that degree (and all the prereqs) from WSU? Just one more way to make more $$$$$$$. (And didn't they just raise tuition on top of that?)

Well, whatever you decide, good luck!

I applied a month ago as well.... It makes sense when you step back and look at from the administrations point of view. If you didn't take your pre-reqs at WSU you are mad, if you did take them there you are happy.... It just depends how you look at it. This is an extremely competitive program to get into no matter where you are trying to apply. There isn't a school out there that isn't changing the way they are accepting students for their accelerated nursing programs... My advice is research the F#@$ out of the schools and try to pick two that have similar pre-reqs and do everything you can to be on top of the list....... We didn't pick an easy program right now to be accepted into..... But being mad won't get you in.... You should see what EMU did....

We didn't pick an easy program right now to be accepted into..... But being mad won't get you in.... You should see what EMU did....

Curious... what did they do?

(I thought EMU's requirements last year were ridiculous... and only accepting 30 some students on top of that...)

Male Nurse did you takr your prereq's at Wayne? I'm not mad, but just frustrated because it seems as if everyone is going into nursing now and they cant accept everyone.

Well, I actually got fantastic news today after I posted my previous comment.... I got my letter from Oakland University...... I GOT ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!!!!! The program i got accepted for doesn't start till January 09' but hey I got into an accelerated program, and that in itself is a HUGE load of relief.... I'm still going to wait and hear from Wayne state because I live much closer and wouldn't have to move..... I didn't take any pre-req classes at Wayne State, I did everything at Washtenaw Community College..... As for EMU F$#@ them, I got my first bachelors from EMU and was very unhappy then so am not surprised at all that their accelerated program is a mess..... They changed the entire way they admit people, didn't let anyone know, and when you call to ask them they won't tell you ANYTHING, they give you the run around and tell you to talk to someone else who tells you to talk to someone else...... They have a point system now and take into account years of experience, speaking a different language, retaking classes counts against you, and also add points for taking all pre-reqs at EMU...... AND they aren't starting there next program untill 2010..... Anyways who cares I got into OU who is very organized and has been doing this program longer than anyone..... I wish everyone the best of luck in getting in to a program, trust me it feels really good once you do!!!!!! Its worth all of the hard work so far....


I'm going to apply to OU as well I dont think I will be able to get in for Jan09 because I will not be finished with Chemistry until April. So I am thinking Summer or Fall of 09 will be when I can have a chance at OU.

I'm going to apply to Michigan State as well.

Congrats again

I'm pretty sure Wayne has had the same admissions policy for a few years, actually. And IIRC, most of the 2nd degree programs give preference to those who took pre-req's or got their undergrad degree at the same university. (but hey, I've been wrong before ) The only one that doesn't it UofM.

That said, I am currently in the program, and I never set foot on the campus before applying. I know many classmates who did not either.

So, I say apply and let your work speak for itself.

Good luck!!!

I'm pretty sure Wayne has had the same admissions policy for a few years, actually. And IIRC, most of the 2nd degree programs give preference to those who took pre-req's or got their undergrad degree at the same university. (but hey, I've been wrong before ) The only one that doesn't it UofM.

That said, I am currently in the program, and I never set foot on the campus before applying. I know many classmates who did not either.

So, I say apply and let your work speak for itself.

Good luck!!!

Thanks for responding to my post SCaregivr they just started the criteria of selecting applicants based on if the took the prereq classes at Wayne State and no course repeats for the fall of 2007 class. I'm just a little nervous because based on their criteria list I would be in the bottom half of the applicants that they ook at because I have repeated courses and I have taken my prereq's at Wayne State so all I can do now is pray.

SCaregivr, is the program really intense can you work while in the program?

ChristinaJoy- I didn't know about the change of criteria, I only applied the one time. :imbar From my understanding, many people apply, but for whatever reason do not complete the application process- don't have the prereq's done, don't send the proper transcripts or essay or whatever. So if 350 people applied, only 109 of those applications were complete - and out of those, they accepted 72. Still pretty good odds, I think. And especially if you consider this (from CON website:

All applications are reviewed to determine the capability of

applicants to complete a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Transcripts are reviewed for patterns of withdrawals and

repeated courses. Transcripts are also reviewed for full-time

scholarly achievement and promise of success in a rigorous

science-based curriculum.

So grades & repeats aren't all they look for.

Yes, the program is tough and time consuming. It looks like they've made the first semester lighter by putting assessment in the summer, which should help. But it *is* do-able. AFA working - it depends on you & your learning style and other time commitments. Some people feel they don't have enough time to work. I have worked 2-3 days per week since school started, and I've done well. But as with everything, YMMV.

Feel free to ask me any other questions about the program. And Good luck with your application!

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