Watts School of Nursing June

U.S.A. North Carolina


Wanted to see who else is going to Watts (Mt Olive) starting in June. I just got my acceptance letter today! Wondering who my fellow classmates will be!

heeeey!!!! nice Tar!!! and stylish!

Tx! Jenni- found them on BN.

Baby Tar Toe, I got a long honey do list over here, wanna get rid of the boredom?

lookie what I found!!

:up: :down: :up: :down:

Lady, ummmm.... your thumbs???? RUN LADY'S HUSBAND!!!!!

or if you like it buy her something nice??? lol

Runnnnn Forest Runnnnnn....Geez, I got a girating thumb stuck in my mind now......Thanks Lady...That visual is just too much.....:eek:

I swear I couldn't get that thought to go away last night and I'm stiitng there thinking.....Dali Lamma....I wonder if he has big thumbs....


Lol! Since you can't get girating thumbs outta your head perhaps you should all visit your proctologists... Maybe get a colonoscopy too! ;)

:zzzzz me going to take a nap... Nite nite termites!

Glad you all had a nice boring day!! Some of us had to work! But I'm not

complaining, because that means I'll eventually get a paycheck :D

So, I'm confused on the first book already...is everyone getting the davis's drug guide in paperback, all 1400 pages or online access???

paperback...none of the online books are worth it. Cheaper, but the subscriptions expire. PITB

BTW...paychecks are overrated!!!!

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