Washington hospital school of nursing

Nursing Students Online Learning


Has anyone went to the washington (pa) school of nursing? Is the program difficult? Did you do any preqs online, and accepted? I am planning to attend in the fall but would like to do A&p online...

The school told me that they expect us to use weekends as study time. (And thus that philosophy is also built into their workload demand. Good luck if you want to have a job, or spend time with family, or just take 2 days off every week.)

I got my best test scores from doing exactly what they said to NOT do: Cram just the Powerpoints and the notes taken in class, memorize as much knowledge as possible (you have to do that), do not take the time to do the required reading unless it's just to supplement the Powerpoints while studying for the exam. Study or do clinical paperwork for at least 5 hours outside of class every day.

Second year students said skip as many lectures as allowed and use that as study and paperwork time, or sleep time.

We took achievement tests in Nursing III, NLN Basic Care I and II (in Oct and Nov) but have not been given any test results.

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