Washington Hospital Center's Med/Surg Units - are they good?

Nurses General Nursing


I interviewed recently at WHC's medical/surgical floor (2D). The interview went well and it sounds like they will hire me. However I did not get a good impression of the floor when I shadowed a nurse. Can anyone tell me what they know about that unit, or any of the other med/surg units?

Specializes in ICU.

No answer for me yet. Good luck tomorrow. You will have to let us know if you get the same response from your nurse manager!

Well I went in today for my interview and it was a little nerve wracking. I first interviewed with the recruiter and I thought it went well, she asked me the standard questions and went over the residency program then she took me over to the unit and I was interviewed again by the unit director and the nurse manager. The second interview was a lot harder for me coz I had no idea what they would ask so i couldn't really prep for it. I was sooooo nervous but I think I did ok so fingers crossed. I have to go back there on Monday to drop off letters of recommendation so i'll check then.

Specializes in ICU.

Hopefully you will hear good news! By the way..did you get the nurse managers business card? I have been trying to email the nurse manager and even called the floor to get the correct email address...but it keeps bouncing back saying it was rejected by the domain!!! grrrrrrrr. Isn't their email just their first name.last [email protected]?????

I got a the clinical manager's card and yes it is first name.last [email protected] on the card so I'm not sure what the pb is. Were you trying to send a thank you email? I was going to send a hand written note but I don't know...U should probably call them early next week..I mean it's been a couple a days right?

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