Published Apr 4, 2013
947 Posts
My dream has always been to work and Labor and Delivery(I got a bit side tracked as I have recently been working in the NICU as a Nurse Tech) however, I am back on track and continue to want to work in LD. My problem is, there aren't many LD positions open here. A lot of them want you to have experience. I have been offered an ICU position. I am to give my answer next Mon/Tues. Im on the fence, b/c to be honest, I never even thought about ICU until she mentioned it. It's definitely NOT my dream job, but it is a job. I'm hearing different things from RNs. Some are saying that it will be very difficult for me to get a LD position after ICU, and some are saying ICU is great experience for LD. Personally I have no clue. I graduate in May and will start working mid-late June. My heart wants me to hold out for that coveted LD position, my head and hubby think I should take the ICU job and make sure I have a job after school. I'm open to relocating anywhere, and have applied to many positions(and do have an out of state interview set up in the end of May), but I also have to have an answer by Mon/Tues. I hate to turn it down and then leave a sour taste in her mouth if I end up needing a job come May.
LadyFree28, BSN, LPN, RN
8,429 Posts
I am NOT an OB nurse...I work in CC...but I will suggest taking the ICU position...the monitoring, observation, medication drips I believe will prepare you somewhat for the L&D experience...also, for the past few years, many hospitals have closed their L&D units; the recession has caused a decline in births.
I hope people will chime in...but I think you are in a favorable position. Good luck! :)
Thank you LadyFree! I think it will definitely be a good experience if I choose to take it. I have my first clinical in ICU tomorrow and th next day so it will be nice to get some exposure.
babyktchr, BSN, RN
850 Posts
I started in ICU as a grad. Discovered OB was my passion 5 years later. Someone took a chance on me in L&D, hired me and 15 years later I was manager. I felt my ICU experience served me very well in OB and still does. It is a great start and as you gain experience, and hone your critical thinking skills, you may be more marketable to a L&D unit. Go for it. Be a rockstar!!!