Want night shift!!


Yes!! After only 2 months I received my first 2 job offers today as a graduate nurse and chose a day shift Med/Surg Oncology floor. However, I am supporting my family and I needed the night shift due to the large shift differntial. At the interview I said I was open (because I was just desperate for a job.) I was wondering if it is professional to call the nurse manager and ask if there are any night shifts available?? Any help would be great..Thank you!

Specializes in Respiratory, Cardiac, ED, Maternity, Ped.

I see nothing wrong with asking about night shift. Just say that after consideration you really thought the shift differential pay would make a huge difference for you. In my experience night shift has always been a needed shift as many nurses do not want to work nights (myself included:) Plus you never know....maybe there is someone on nights that wants to move to days. Good luck

Wonderful! employed after 2 months: Thats motivation!!!!!!!

Go for what you want! It should be no harm and asking, its either yes or no. I had a question for you NurseLove88 lpn-rn salary did you get credit for your lpn experience? Hope its not to personal:)


Thank you!! I called and no night shifts..but she said I could keep trying and keep my ears open so i will!!

TO MORO..I was never an lpn I just got my rn-bsn so I dont know sorry!

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