Want DFW urgent care


Hello all thank you for reading. I'm currently a FNP student in DFW area set to graduate next December. I want to end up in urgent care so would it be beneficial to do my practicum in one? Do urgent cares hire new grads? Just trying to plan ahead so I can have a job before I graduate. Thank you!

Specializes in ER, PCU, UCC, Observation medicine.

I can give you the name of a company that staffs the urgent care at Parkland. They hire new grads. PM me

If you can get some experience with urgent care before you finish school that would probably only benefit you.

Thanks for replying. I am not able to use PM yet but yes I am trying to do my clinical practicum in an urgent care next Fall. There are a lot of privately owned places close to me such as CareNow and newer ones like MedSpring urgent care. BTW love your YouTube videos as we have to do suturing and other skills as part of our program í ½í¸ƒ

Specializes in ER, PCU, UCC, Observation medicine.
Thanks for replying. I am not able to use PM yet but yes I am trying to do my clinical practicum in an urgent care next Fall. There are a lot of privately owned places close to me such as CareNow and newer ones like MedSpring urgent care. BTW love your YouTube videos as we have to do suturing and other skills as part of our program ������

Thanks for the YouTube support!! There are a few free standing urgent cares that hire NPs, though they want experience. They are fast paced and the owners want quick turn over. Not trying to put you down but it would be slim pickings to start out at a free standing urgent care. Keep in touch when you're near completion of your program and I'll send you to the right people if you want a more hospital based urgent care position.

I'm in the exact same position. I'm in DFW, graduating next December and wanting to get into Urgent Care, so I'll watch this space. I had already pm'd you a while back and you responded. Do you mind pm'ing me the name of the company? Thanks, and I'm also continuing to check out your videos

Specializes in ER, PCU, UCC, Observation medicine.
I'm in the exact same position. I'm in DFW, graduating next December and wanting to get into Urgent Care, so I'll watch this space. I had already pm'd you a while back and you responded. Do you mind pm'ing me the name of the company? Thanks, and I'm also continuing to check out your videos

I tried to pm you. says you're inbox is full and you need to make room.

@YoutubeTheNP yes I will definitely keep in touch! I wouldn't mind starting out in a hospital based urgent care, more teaching opportunities are never a bad thing.

I tried to pm you. says you're inbox is full and you need to make room.

Oops, sorry. I did

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