Published Sep 2, 2011
61 Posts
I passed my NCLEX 2 months ago.. it has been that long not being able to find a job. I am not picky, but I believe that I can get hired at my dream hospital. I have always wanted to work in our county hospital since I did my clinical rotations there.
I went to meet the nurse manager 2 months ago to talk to her about possible employment. She said that she will definitely consider hiring me and that she thinks I am a very diligent person. I have been exchanging emails w/ her and she said all i need to wait for is the formal interview.
The interviews has been delayed over and over again. I don't know if i should still wait.. or should i just apply elsewhere. I am so tired of checking the mail every single day only to find out that there's still NO mail from them. It's getting really frustrating.. but i can't help but hold on to the hope and faith that she will infact hire me.
Blossom Girl
27 Posts
I think it's really great that you already have a relationship with the nurse manager, that should give you an edge over any other new grad applying. But I still wouldn't wait. It's like they say: "don't put all your eggs in one basket". I would apply for other positions and go to any interviews offered, even if you have no intention of taking the job.... it will give you good experience for when they offer you a formal interview. And if you get any other job offers, touch base with the nurse manager where you really want to work and let her know, she may be able to give you an idea of whether you should wait for them or not. But even then, I probably wouldn't wait, given the state of the economy now.
I hope that helps!!
Nurse SMS, MSN, RN
6,843 Posts
No, you should not wait. Start pounding the pavement.
MrChicagoRN, RN
2,605 Posts
Definitely pursue all available paths. If it comes through, great. If not, then you are creating options for yourself.