Published May 14, 2006
ga girl
46 Posts
Hey! Is everyone still waiting for GPC letters? I still have not received anything-I am going crazy! I just want to know!!! I am also waiting for Ga Baptist/Mercer. SCREAM. How is everyone holding up?? :)
33 Posts
I am waiting on the same two schools.
136 Posts
I am still waiting for GPC also. I am going out of my mind. This is driving me crazy, but I am glad someone is keeping up to date on letting everyone know about the acceptance letters. I will definitely let everyone know when I get something from them. God bless and good luck.
87 Posts
Still nothing here. I'm hoping they have sent all the "NO" letters out first - since 700 people applied, that may take a while. Then all the "Yes" ones will come. I wonder if they will send just a letter, or will there be a bunch of info about orientation, supplies, etc. with it. If so, it'll be thick.
Maybe some of the previous admits to GPC can answer that.
I don't know why something has to take sooooo long.
90 Posts
I know someone who got accepted last term and when she received her letter it with all of the orientation info, supplies and various other information. I hope this helps. One of my classmates is also waiting for a response from GPC and Renee Wright informed for her to wait until June if she did not her anything by the first week in June to give her a call. I was standing there with her when she was told that.