wage for nurses

World International


Hello Nurses,

I would like to know what the hourly rate for nurses....does it increase every year...what's the maximum pay? Basically, information on nurses' income. Thanks.

Does anybody know the answers to these questions?

Tax rate ?

How unsocial (weekend, nights, etc) hours are calculated?

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

Provincial taxation rates vary province to province. "Unsocial" shifts are paid a differential that also varies province to province. The cross-country comparison on the Manitoba Nurses' Union website (see connyrn's post above) is a little outdated, but still valid for comparison sake. PEI just ratified a new collective agreement with small raises over three years. Alberta is going into negotiations in January with a goal of ratification by April 1. BC has a new collective agreement as of March 31 of this year. Links to websites with all this information are contained in other posts to this thread. Have a look and then if you have more questions, post again.

Specializes in CCU.

Thank you very much! :balloons: :bow:

You are just a ...pot-or-gold!

Just to mention, yes, I am fluently bilingual Fr-Eng. That might help my transition.

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