Published Jan 27, 2007
962 Posts
What happens with a vote of no confidence? There's talk at my workplace of holding one. There's been alot of disgust with the Chief Nursing Officer, (Director of Nursing). He is like a little Hitler in many ways, and has been a divisive force in our hospital. We are a union hospital.
I was asked this morning by someone in a leadership role in the union how I would vote in the case of a vote of no confidence. The nursing staff generally is disgusted with him, he is pretty universally despised.
2,719 Posts
A vote of no confidence would mean that you do not have confidence in the leadership of this person or persons. Once that occures it kind of put the person on the spot. Often it results in a resignation and sometimes dismissal. Other times it results in some sort or adjustments or compromise being made. Some times it is compeletly ignored unless those who called for the vote continue to to push for something specific to happen.
93 Posts
How many DON and or other leadership people would be fired or demoted due to this. Anymore it seems to be the time you've been at a place, who you know or who they can control.
I do not know the details to the situation to which you refer. I do not know whom or what is getting this vote and I do not know the facility its politics and its history and ultimately I have no crytal ball. You are asking something that has no clear cut answer.
As I think I memtioned it depends. It depends on what the voters are asking for, it depends on how this facility responds or fails to respond. it depends.
10 Articles; 19,050 Posts
i do not know the details to the situation to which you refer. i do not know whom or what is getting this vote and i do not know the facility its politics and its history and ultimately i have no crytal ball. you are asking something that has no clear cut i think i memtioned it depends. it depends on what the voters are asking for, it depends on how this facility responds or fails to respond. it depends.
as i think i memtioned it depends. it depends on what the voters are asking for, it depends on how this facility responds or fails to respond. it depends.
some leaders stay in their position after reflectively thinking on situation and making changes that satisfy facility administration and board. others are asked/forced to resign. alot depends on how well perceived prior to this event, who well networked in their community and overall good/ benefit they have done for facility.
Agnus ... That was a rhetorical statement.
5,758 Posts
This is just my personal opinion. I would hope that a ballot like that would be confidential. I would not declose the way I would vote to anyone. Even in a union situation there could be retribution for a no confidence vote.