Published Sep 9, 2005
6 Posts
I am wondering what the visitation guidelines are for those of you on a general pediatric unit?
63 Posts
I parent is allowed to be thier 24/7, sleeping htier everyhting, other visitors til 9 pm. SUaully we allow family most of the time too, not to strict I guess, very family oriented care
9 Posts
In my unit we allow parents in 24/7 (although only 1 is allowed to stay) all other visitors are allowed in 2-8pm.. This is due to us being a busy unit and we try not to get visitors in when ward rounds are happening as we can have 3 on at the one time!! This is only monday to friday at the weekend we generally allow visitors in at anytime
21 Posts
The parents on our unit can come and go anytime, both are technically allowed to stay however usually only one stays because they can usually only fit one person on the couch. But if both parents are really slim, they sleep together on the couch.
All other visitors are in from 9am to 9pm, but our particular unit is very relaxed about visiting hours and numbers of visitors. With our demographics (largely Latino and quite a few Armenians), we are as flexible as possible to cultural norms.
The part that gets tricky is with our older pts (18 and over) who have significant others. It really varies, but when I'm in charge I make sure to let them no that they can spend the night as long as the roommate and their family is ok with it and there is NO HANKY PANKY going on. I've not had a problem with that yet.
12 Posts
My hospital is one of the most relaxed I know on visiting hours. Basically, anything goes that is within reason. Both parents can stay, and although the operator announces visiting hours are over at 9, no one listens, and unless someone is really disturbing a patient, we don't make them leave.