Published Mar 20, 2020
1 Post
I am looking into virtual nursing simulation options for my University! We have many students who need simulation hours and I am looking into see what other schools/universities are doing regarding similar situations! Are y'all using virtual simulation programs? If so, which programs?
StudentRN56, BSN, RN
46 Posts
Following this post - my clinical rotation has been postponed until at least May, but we need 200+ hours before the term ends in June... hoping to graduate on time
Heycalling, RN
21 Posts
Can anyone please shed more light on what your programs are telling you? No one seems to know anything...
My program took an extra week for Spring break and we will return on Monday 4/6 to online lecture class and the start of our Spring term. I was supposed to do 2 - 12hr clinical shifts per week for 8 weeks during Spring term. Clinical rotations have been postponed until May (for now). But I will find out more on Monday when school goes live.
Also, I only know the May date for clinical because one of my classmates has a different clinical instructor who told her student that time frame - my clinical instructor has said nothing to any of us, so theoretically we could do clinical rotations starting next week, I don't officially know...
Hey jeffecyn, how exciting! You are on your way out. I hope there has been progress made in terms of what the next best alternative will be for you guys.
For the most part it appears that if the clinical/rotation site isn't alowing students, then it's out of the institution/program's hands, but there seems to be something developing for a good chunk of last term nursing students. I hope it all works out in your favor!
My cohort is graduating in August - so we have 2 terms left. This term it seems will be all online. On what was to be our clinical days we are meeting via Zoom with our clinical groups and working on case studies that have been developed to guide our learning and cover a wide variety of frequently seen in actual hospital situations but that also cover material that we are learning about in theory classes as well. They are guaranteeing that we "see" a wide variety of patient situations (yesterday we had patients with an MI, an amputation d/t osteomyelitis, and a severe asthma attack). So, we are trying to make the best of the situation.
Our final term is this Summer and we are supposed to do our preceptorship. So, we shall see...
Ohh I see. Got ya. Still exciting, though :). About how long are those zoom meetings for clinical replacement, if you don't mind me asking? (Per week)
two days per week for 9 weeks. 9-1 one day and 9-3 on the next - it is pretty much solid work - I did have a lunch break but just went to the kitchen. 9-1 is on the first day and we had work to finish after the scheduled "class" time but we were done at 3 the second day. The hours/curriculum was determined by the state board of nursing, is my understanding.
Thanks so much for your prompt replies and feedback!