Virginia Tech


Specializes in ICU, Paeds ICU, Correctional, Education.

hi all,

this is being screened on monday night in australia. i don't know the time where you are. i hope you can watch it. you should be able to on those who know my posts also know my feelings about an armed population. i would be interested in any comments if you are able to watch the program. the programs often remain on the website for a while after.

here is the promo....

massacre at virginia tech - 4 corners monday 5 may

next on four corners: what drove a young man with no criminal past to carry out the worst shooting massacre in modern american history?

on 16 april last year, a young man called seung-hui cho took a gun and calmly turned it on terrified fellow students and staff at virginia tech campus in the us. he killed 32 people before turning his gun on himself.

once again, a grotesque shooting at a school left americans fearful and perplexed. to date police have been unable to identify any links between cho and his victims, or to identify a clear motive.

cho produced a chilling "video manifesto" that he sent to nbc. he railed to camera about a life of torment: "do you know what it feels like to be spat on your face and to have trash shoved down your throat? do you know what it feels like to be humiliated and be impaled upon a cross?"

yet no evidence has emerged that cho was persecuted at school, at college or at home.

"he just seemed like a shy, anti-social person," says his old room-mate.

cho's video tirade suggested he was punishing a decadent community. "your mercedes wasn't enough, you brats. your golden necklaces weren't enough, you snobs."

but virginia tech is a normal state university with students from a wide variety of social backgrounds.

cho did suffer mental health problems. so do one in five americans, but very few become killers.

what then caused him to commit mass murder? the bbc's this world investigates the life of this deeply troubled and inadequate young man and explores why no one fully recognised the danger of his problems.

this compelling portrait of cho features access to key witnesses including wounded survivors, his teachers and relatives, psychologists and criminal profilers who have pored through the destructive fantasies expressed in his writings.

"massacre at virginia tech" - on four corners, 8.30 pm monday 5 may on abc1.

watch the promo online now !

this program will be repeated about 11.35 pm tuesday 6 may; also on abc2 at 8am tuesday.

four corners


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To me (because I live not too far from Virgina Tech), there is no mystery on what happened.

The guy was a nut, he obtained a gun legally in a state that allows anyone that is sober enough to fill out an application to buy one, decided he was going to kill himself--so to him, there was no harm in taking out a few people with him.

I blame the school 100% for not having warning system in place. There was nothing the school could have done to prevent the first shootings...but students needed to be told so they can make an educated decision of what to do.

I call it the "arrogance of the educational system"...the fact that they were not going to shut down the campus no matter what....well, how did it work for them? Now they are known to have the worst campus-shooting in American history.

The school had the opportunity to inform the students, to make a decision and failed to do that.

To me, again, no mystery.

Specializes in ICU-CVICU.

I blame the school 100% for not having warning system in place.

I blame Cho 100%.

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