Published May 13, 2009
15 Posts
Hi, I start an ADN program in the fall and immediately after grad. I plan to take an accelerated BSN program. Even though I won't begin working as a nurse for three years I am extremely discouraged by all the stories I'm hearing about new grads. not being able to get jobs. It's making me wonder if I should still go into nursing and I'm going into it for the right reasons not just $ etc. This is something I've wanted to do for a very long time and I'm finally there and now I'm afraid I won't be able to get a job. I'm a young 45 but still 45 and I'm also afraid this is going to be a mitigating factor. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
78 Posts
I'd suggest going straight into the ABSN now rather than doing it after getting an ADN. Do you already have a bachelor's degree in another field?
I wish I had something to say about the hiring rate, but I'm feeling pretty discouraged by what I'm reading/hearing, too.
14,633 Posts
There are BSN completion programs for ADN and diploma grads to complete the additional requirements for a BSN degree, but every accelerated BSN program I've encountered is a basic nursing education program for people who have a baccalaureate degree in something else -- so an accelerated BSN would not fit into the plan you describe (a) it would be a duplication, in terms of basic nursing education and eligibility for NCLEX, of your ADN program, and b) if you don't already have a BA or BS, you wouldn't qualify). Did you maybe mean a BSN completion program?
These are indeed difficult times for new grads, but that will eventually change. If you are interested in nursing solely (or even mainly) for job security and $$$, yes, you are probably going to be disappointed and frustrated. The work that nurses do is extremely demanding, physically, intellectually, and emotionally, and most of us who have stuck with it feel that we're doing it in spite of not getting paid what the work is worth.