Published Nov 7, 2005
2 Posts
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to simulate a ventilator experience in the Nursing lab? We don 't own a ventilator, but would like to give students some exposure. I'd appreciate any ideas. :)
17 Articles; 45,832 Posts
Hello, sb23,:balloons:
Yes, that can be difficult. We always utilize the RTs locally. In fact, I have an advantage, I get to ask my dh (RT instructor) to assist with this. They will bring a ventilator, the one used in their labs, and give an overview. Have you tried that approach?
I wish I could help you with online vent simulators. Maybe VickyRN can give you an online site. She is another moderator in the Educator forum. She will be along later.
oh, i almost forgot.....
and to
babynurselsa, RN
1,129 Posts
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: You can buy one on ebay. No really you can do a search.
Hi, sb23,:balloons:
Try AARC. My dh said you might be able to find something like this online. I haven't checked, but, you could get lucky.
96 Posts
i think it is a great idea to give your students some ventilator training. in my bsn program, we barely even discussed ventilators at all...much less have any hands-on time. i think a GOOD lecture/presentation on the principles of mechanical ventilation (ie the differences in the modes, when conditions do better with what settings, etc) would be very beneficial. maybe even have an RT come in and do a presentation (like siri suggested), since they are the ones who are the experts when it comes to vents. there are way too many different makes/models of vents to be able to cover everything, but if the students get a good basic understanding of the how's and why's behind vents it will be much easier for them to learn the particular vents wherever they may work.
49 Articles; 5,349 Posts
This looks very promising: - has a free demo version
Another great site:
This looks very promising: - has a free demo versionAnother great site:
See, I told you VickyRN would have these for you. Isn't she good???:balloons:
Thank you :imbar Glad to be of service :)