vent about nurse at work

Nurses General Nursing



To start this off I am going to say I am not a nurse. I am not normally one of those CNA'S that dislikes any request from a nurse. I understand the role I play in the job and maybe that is why I am so angry.

There is only one nurse that I truly do not like. Actually, I can't stand her!

She walks around like she is the queen bee and everyone else are her worker bees.

I am at a loss of what to do.

Now I think that I get along with this lady better then almost anyone at the facility. I generally do not let her get to me, I just let what she says roll off my back. I understand that you are not going to get along with everyone you work with all the time. I am a big girl, I can deal with that.

Where she draws the line is how she treats the residents. We work in a nursing home, this is where these people LIVE. One of the residents does not eat dinner, ever.The resident probally has never been a dinner eater in her entire life! The cna that works with her most has a deal with the lady therefore she eats some at night rather then nothing! Their deal is that after she eats some she gets a second glass of milk and then she can leave the dining room. A CNA gets up and walks out with her as she is not supposta walk alone. The other night the CNA gets out of the dining room with the resident and the Witchy nurse says to resident and CNA, "You turn right back around and go in there and sit down you need to eat!" then looks at CNA and barks "you take her back in there right now."

What in the world?! How to make this 86 year old resident feel like they are in a prison? We were always told that we were working in their homes, and that we could encourage them but we could not force them to do anything they did not want to do. How was that nurse shouting orders to the resident like she was in bootcamp acceptable?

I know that as a CNA you are to listen to the nurse, you are below them. I get that. But when does it become a matter of whats right and not what the controlling nurse thinks everyone should do?

This resident calls this lady the Cybor Botch, or the wicked witch. The nurse is always being demeaning to the reisdents.

Another example.

On veterans day all the veterans got roses. One of the residents gave one to his wife(who is non responsive) and he asked for another to give to a friend who is also a resident. He has known this lady for 50 years and he wanted to make her feel special. So when I was walking the reisdent to dinner he was looking for her. The Cybor Botch saw him and proceeded to scold him, like he was a child, for giving that rose to someone else. She told him that they were ONLY for veterans and that we were not going to start running around giving roses to all the ladies and that is was unacceptable. My jaw about hit the floor, what in the world is this ladies problem!!!

The resident said nothing and we kept walking. I wanted to saw my piece but I knew that was not the time nor the place. When we sat down the resident told me that he had known the cybor botch for many years and he said she has always acted like that. He acted hurt by her words, but determined to give that rose to his friend. I ended up bringing the lady up to him after dinner (when the cyobr botch was down another hall) he gave her the rose and I have never ever seen this lady smile before and she grinned from ear to ear. Her entire face lit up, and she actually spoke a full sentance. I have NEVER seen this lady to that before it was amazing! I hid it in her clothing protector and took it to her room. In which the cybor botch stoped me in the hall to bark at me that HER CLOTHING PROTECTOR WAS STILL ON. UGH! I am not sure that I should I defied the nurse, however I am so glad I did. It made both residents days and they were both glowing all night. I get tears in my eyes even thinking about it now!

After those two episodes and watching her treat the residents in such a demoralizing way I have lost all respect for her. I find myself cringing when I have to work with her and her little comments that she barks at me are truly making me mad, I am having a hard time blowing them off now.

What would you do in a situation like that?

I am sure the lady will never change.

She has worked there for years and they wont fire her I know it, I wish she would retire!

Yesterday when we came on to shift the CNA'S before us did not have call lights in place and did not have garbages emptied, nor did they have personal alarms or bed alarms set. So what does Cybor Botch do but come in and start yelling at us (the ones who JUST walked through the door) telling us that we need to make sure those and on and it is completely unacceptable to not have them on. At that point I could not help it I looked right at her and said "duh! isnt that standard procdure?!?!" She was not impressed, but you know what neither was I. I do not deserve to be treated like dirt, so don't treat me like that!

She also thinks EVERYTHING is a behavior and needs modified. The lady who takes an hour to have a BM is having a behavior and she expects me to make it my personal endevor to make sure she gets in and out of the bathroom in 15 minutes. What in the world?!?! This is the ONLY lady on my hall that I have never had to clean up after her incontinence episode. Why would I feel the need to tell her she could not use the toilet?! The man who falls asleep in his chair on the way back from dinner is having a "behavior that needs modified". Is this the norm...?!!?!

None of the other nurses feel this way.

Once again I know I am suppose to listen and respect the nurses but at what point do you draw the line? Are you really expected to go along with these insane demands even if you know that waht she is doing is not for the residents? If a resident is having a behavior problem that needs modified wouldnt it be in their care plan?

In all my other jobs I would have pulled this lady aside and said look I have no idea why you are such a witch but knock it off I dont deserve it. I know that would not be appropiate here and I am sure it would just make matters worse.

BTW I take pride in my job, I get regualr compliments from the nurses for the job that I do. I have no problem with anyone but this lady. And this lady is not even normally working on my hall!

Any ideas on how I should handle this situation?

Thanks for listening to my vent......



You are an aide to be admired.

Sounds like you have sense!

Maybe you would be an excellent nurse, but the world needs excellent aides too!

Consider pulling the old "R and R" on this witchy nurse.


They have the RIGHT to refuse meals and they have the RIGHT to give flowers to whom they dang well please.

I once had a nurse read me the riot act because I would not get a patient out of bed to eat dinner. He told me point blank, "I have the right to refuse."

I could not argue that.

I told the nurse, "This patient flat out refused and cited Resident's Rights."

She let it go.

You can't argue it.


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