Varicella Titer Results High



My results say my titer results are high. 3.02. Has anyone else received high results on their varicella titer?

Why is it high as results I see are 1.00- 1.6 usually?


I don't know what to tell you about your case, but I will tell you that lab results are not...PERFECT! There, I said it. You all can flame me if you like. LOL I had several repeated varicella titres in a short period of time when I was pregnant and exposed to shingles, and my levels were all over the place.


My results say my titer results are high. 3.02. Has anyone else received high results on their varicella titer?

Why is it high as results I see are 1.00- 1.6 usually?


I also had high results coming in at 4.06, so your not alone. I too am interested in hearing the other replies.

Mine came back with a similar number. In fact, all of my titers came back HIGH. I ordered/paid for them through an online company and i'm more than a little suspicious of my results. i know for a fact that my awesome mother forgot to take me for my 3rd hep B shot as a kid... but it was just as HIGH as the other results.

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