VAMP on CVP lines


I came from a facility where they used VAMPs on CVP and arterial lines. My new facility states not to use VAMPs on CVP lines, but I couldn't find any real evidence if VAMPs affect CVP readings. I emailed Edwards Lifesciences to see what they recommend... Still waiting for a response. Just curious to know if you have seen VAMPs on CVP lines and what your evidence is to not use them. If they don't affect arterial readings, they shouldn't affect CVP readings, but I could be wrong. VAMPs on CVPs can be useful in preventing iatrogenic anemia and CLABSI, in my opinion.

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

Our PICU uses them on art lines and (rarely, because we rarely use them) CVPs. I love them, esp with our little kids for whom wasting 2 mL of blood is a LOT.

BUT, does it seem to you that after you withdraw the blunt adapter, that blood is transferred to the outside of the sampling port- and that it is difficult/ nearly impossible to clean off from the concentric grooves on it? This bothers me, and scrub as I might, I can never get it all cleaned off.

Specializes in Critical Care- Medical ICU.

VAMP actually stands for VENOUS and arterial management protection. There's really no reason for it not to be used on a CVP! Where I work, it is only used with A lines- the last time I put one on a CVP (for a pt who was extremely pancytopenic and did not need any extra blood loss or exposure to infection) I even took the time to label it CVP and write an explanation on it as to why it was there... because I knew someone would freak out about it :)

Specializes in Critical Care.

They are actually designed primarily for use on CVP lines, since that's the most common type of pressure monitoring line. I have no idea why someone would think it could be used on an art line and not a CVP line.

Specializes in Surgery, Trauma, Medicine, Neuro ICU.

I use it on both all the time.

Specializes in Trauma/Tele/Surgery/SICU.

Yes meanmaryjean. No matter whether I use alcohol swabs or clorhexidine scrubs it seems that a small amount of transfer remains glued to the port and it drives me crazy. Family has remarked about it as well. Anyone with any hints on how to remedy this? I always clean the port immediately after use but the port still appears blood stained.

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