Published Aug 18, 2004
Does anyone have any info on VSU? Is it a good nursing program?
tamara152, BSN, RN
20 Posts
Placed on the waitlist for the Fall 2011 track. I just can't catch a break. I mean my GPA sucks because I was really going through somethings for awhile and my TEAS scores aren't the greatest (74) but I have worked extremely hard to pull my GPA back up post bacclaureate (spelling could be very wrong) and I just need a chance to prove myself. I am almost 30 and I feel like I am racing against the clock or something. I am going to try Georgia College State and University next but I am getting very discouraged.
103 Posts
@Tamara152- I noticed you said you are almost 30. I was advised by Ms. Gilbert at VSU and if it has been over 10 years since you took the class, you may be able to take the CLEP test and get rid of that grade. This isn't an option for all the classes. I know you can CLEP Psychology, Political Science, etc. She gave me a list.
245 Posts
Have any of you heard any information regarding the school's reputation and pass rate?
36 Posts
I'm not sure what the pass rates are for the NCLEX but I graduate from the accelerated program in 11 days so if you need any advice I will gladly oblige.