Vacutainer colors / Vaccines


Hi im a new lvn at a clinic can u help me / list all vacutainers colors and what they are for? e.g. Purple for CBC

Also, can u give me all the vaccines name and where/how to give them. e.g. HepA - right deltoid - I.M.

Or at least direct me to a website for review thanks

The CDC has a listing of all of the vaccines. They also have vaccine schedules on there as well. In regards to what tubes are for what I would invest in a good book. Some are used for more than one lab value..

Specializes in Pedi.

Many tubes also vary by lab. For example, I worked in a hospital for nearly 5 years drawing chemistries in a PST/light green top. Now that I am in the community, I find that many labs use red or SST/gold for chemistries.

Where you give a vaccine depends on the patient, not what the vaccine is. For example, Hep A is now recommended for all children between their 1st and 2nd birthday. A child of that size would not be getting an IM injection in the deltoid. It doesn't matter if you use the right or left side.

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