UTMB FALL 2010 (University of Texas Medical Branch)

U.S.A. Texas


UTMB Fall 2010 Application period starts tomorrow Nov. 15, 2009

Who here is applying for it?

Btw, there is the ATI TEAS entrance exam for FALL 2010.

Anyone taken it yet?

I can't seem to find the registration for it in the atitesting.com.

I'm so wanting to lose hope too... If people in Houston have received responses, then why not me???

Wish we knew if they were sending out acceptance and rejections together....

For those who are still waiting, how's yalls gpa?

3.7!!!! yours???

Has anyone from the March 29th interview gotten accepted or is it just March 22nd people getting letters right now?

Princess- yes alot of them were from

the 3rd session too. I don't know what's going on. I guess we will have to find out Monday.

Nursing pre req- 3.3



so kinda on the lower end:-/

I feel that we were qualified enough to get selected for an interview... so if we have come this far.. then there's surely chances ahead of us... hopefully!!

Well, my science is 3.4 as well.... LOW!!!

I feel the same way... :-( but I also know they can't accept everyone... How they decide that is still

a mystery. Do you feel like your interview went well?

I feel like it went okay... I answered everything well.... but the lady I interviewed with she told me at the end that.. if you get acccepted anywhere go for it even if its not ur top priority coz its stilll gonna give u the same degree...I just hope this didnt mean that she didnt like me...

I emailed the lady that interviewed me to thank her and her reply was "hope everything works out for you"...I thought that sounded like I didn't get in but I did! Don't worry about your gpa's...they are high enough to get in.

I did the same thing and that was her reply as well!

I guess that's their standard reply, but I really didn't take it as a good sign!!

I got mail Friday!

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