UTMB applicants - i have a question, please help!


Hey. For those of you who are applying or have already sent in your application to UTMB for Fall 2006 I have a question. For the "supporting statement" section on the application, did you write like a lengthy essay or what? I've been working on it for a couple days now making it a really big deal. Please let me know what you did for this section..I would really appreciate it. I'm just stressing like crazy right now. Thanks!!!

Specializes in ICU.

i applied there in 2004. my essay was 2-2 1/2 pages. i basically told them why i wanted to be a nurse, why i wanted to go to utmb, and what i planned on doing after i graduated ie area of work, master's program, etc. i did not want to make it too lengthy, but i wanted to answer those questions throughly. hope this helps a little.


I applied to UTMB for the fall '06 semester too! My supporting statement was 2 (full) pages. I primarily focused on why I want to be a nurse, and my future educational/professional goals. My advice is... 1) be concise 2) be clear 3) proof read, proof read, proof read

I applied to 4 other schools in addition to UTMB but their my first choice. What about you?

Good Luck!

I also applied at UTMB for 06.

I was told that they really read your supporting statements because they no longer do interviews. Mine was about 1 1/2 pages and consisted of standard support statement material- why you want to be a nurse, why do you think you would make a good nurse, you know, all that good stuff.

I hope we all get in!!

Good luck.

Mine was about 1.5 pages also. I took a lil different route by explaining a moment or series of events in my life that were sort of a turning point that have brought me this far. I think overall you should make clear that you are able to put pencil to paper and articulate a clear and concise train of thought. I doubt they are looking for pulitzer prize winning topics. Just write from your heart and proof read!

i'm glad utmb really reads our "supporting statements," i spent an enormous amount of time on mine! in retrospect, i probably should have made it a bit longer but i feel confident that i came across clearly.

i heard that utmb accepted 400 undergrad bsn students for fall of '04, but that sounds incredibly high to me. do you guys know about how many spots there are for this coming fall?

I think that the pool of applicants was 400 with maybe less than a quarter being accepted. I think I read that on the website somewhere-its been a while though so I could be wrong.

I think that when I went to talk to the pre-admissions people they told me that they usually get like 1000-1500 applications for the BSN and accelerated program. When I went to the graduation last year (my friend graduated from UTMB) there were 200 or so graduating. But I think that included some of the master/PhD students. I do know that they get a LOT of applications.

I looked on UTMB's website and it states that for 2005 "369" students were enrolled for the "Undergraduate Nursing" program. In any event, here's the link... http://www.utmb.edu/ia/factbook.asp?which=student&school=SON&type=enrl

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