UTHSCSA Fall 2019

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey guys!

Anyone else here applying to the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Nursing Program? I am currently a student at Texas State University and will be applying for the fall semester! The application deadline is quickly approaching, I'm super nervous!!

My stats are:

Math/Science GPA: 3.3

Overall GPA: 3.7

Overall TEAS: 90.7

Let me know your stats!

Does anyone know or have an idea of what the required conditions for enrollment are?

2 hours ago, edt8888 said:

Does anyone know or have an idea of what the required conditions for enrollment are?


I'm not sure if this is what you mean? They list a basic outline of what you need to have completed once you have received an acceptance email, but they don't send you an enrollment packet until after you've paid the $500 matriculation fee and sent in the Intent to Enroll Response Form.

Hopefully this helps!

Thanks @uhnjeenunah! This was super helpful.

Hey guys, as far as for the graduate programs. I went on Monday to pay the $500 and the lady there said to relax for now, until at least May 6th ish because that's when they will be sending us the whole package with instructions of the background check and financial aid and stuff. In case anyone was wondering!

On 3/22/2019 at 6:11 AM, kimaivu94 said:

So when I called UTHSCSA's school of nursing the next day after people said that they received invitation invites by email, I was told that all invites were already sent via email and if you didn't receive one, you were not selected due to either not meeting the requirements (not meeting the minimum GPAs or missing a class), late transcripts on NursingCas or TEAS scores. So I requested to speak to one of the admissions director to understand what I missed exactly that prevented me from receiving an interview invite. I spoke to Jennifer Aguilar and she informed me that I was missing Chemistry 2 and if not for that, I would of received an interview invite since I met all their GPA requirements☹️ She said that UTHSCSA requires that ALL math and science pre requsites HAVE to be completed prior to applying and I was not aware that UTHSCSA required chem 2 unfortunately. So I have no choice but to reapply for the spring once I have either taken the clep exam for chemistry or finish Chem 2 before August 1st for the spring deadline. So my advice would be to call and ask if one of the admissions director can review your application with you! With that said, good luck to everyone who received an invitation invite! Please let us know what the process is like and what we can expect once we apply for the spring! Thank you in advance!!

Take heart! They want you! I missed the first application deadline because they didn't review all my transcripts in time. (I had several schools for my pre-reqs.) I had to reapply for the following semester. That time I submitted everything immediately. Someone in my cohort got accepted and then had to drop for family reasons in his 1st semester. He had to go through the entire application process and payments to get accepted again. It can be such a pain.

Stick with it! It's worth it!

On 2/13/2019 at 7:03 PM, kciena24 said:

Thank you so much for your comment!! Appreciate you being here to help us while we wait out these next couple of months ?

How are your classes going so far this semester? Have your clinicals started yet? I do have one question about the admissions process - Did you have to do an interview? If so, what kind of questions should we expect to be asked?

Just finished all my classes! It was tough, simply bc of the huge amount of material to get through for each class. You'll have a peer mentor to give you good advice on how to study for each class.

Including my clinicals, 5 As, 1 B. I just missed getting an A by .5! Anyway, it's good to be done for 13 weeks. Although a couple of classmates and I are going to start studying for Pharm.

Hey, everyone who got accepted, one of you should start a Facebook page, like UTHSCSA Nursing Class Spring 2021, if you haven't already. That way all of us in the previous cohorts can help guide you through the process, etc.

Hey, friends! I have a friend on the waitlist. Does anyone know the latest she might hear back?

Does anyone know if we can be in the process of the Hep B vaccine or does it have to be done by the deadline ?

@UG16 If you have to start/restart the series, they told me as long as you have your first dose documented before the deadline you can register for classes. You'll still need to get the rest of the doses when they need to be done.

Great, thank you !

Hey y'all! I found this thread, I just finished my first semester in the traditional BSN program. Congratulations, I'm excited for everyone that was accepted! feel free to comment any questions. I know the application and beginning process can be so stressful.

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