UTHealth Cizik FALL 2021 - BSN

Nursing Students School Programs



I applied for the first time to UTHealth Cizik for Fall 2021. We can help each other and keep each other updated on information over applications. Good luck to everyone! 

4 minutes ago, kurt zuniga said:

Hey Chelsea,

I don't know information bout that but the admission officer said that you have to complete the admittance requirements before you start or they won't allow you to get in. But that's just what I heard back in March, so I would call them in ask because maybe they can make an exception. Also, since you got admitted do you think I can get in with a 3.95 GPA and a HESI score of 88? Just asking because their admitted student thing is kind of hectic, it seems kind of like a lottery when choosing students. Like some students have a low GPA and a high HESI or a High GPA and a Low to Average HESI. Kind of nervous if I'll get in or not to be honest. 

Hey Kurt! 

im in the same mindset as you, I’m nervous about getting in since admissions are kind of confusing by stats. From what I’ve seen on other forums and based on the Cizik website, I believe they consider a few different factors when admitting so it appears like a “lottery” but really it’s based on your transcripts, HESI, GPA and work experience.
For example,  a lot of students with lower stats, have a previous degree completed, were working in undergraduate or had a heavy course load during their prerequisite semesters.

hope this helps!


Thanks for the reply back, yeah the admissions for UTH are kind of wonky. But based on the Webinar slides that the one person sent, it says that the admitted student stats are like a 3.5 GPA and a HESI in the middle 80s. So yeah, I think it is kind of a lottery when it comes to this school. Tried the admissions office about it and they said the same thing to me as well. Hopefully, we all get in, the admissions process is tough, but that's what backup schools are for LOL. 


Does anyone know when exactly are we hearing back from the school?

Specializes in cardio.

Do you know when we will hear back?


Not really sure, but either this week or next week (judging by some dude said who attended the webinar) or if not then it'll probably continue until June 15. June 15 is what's posted on their website.


Has anyone heard anything yet? Its already the third week of the month..

Nope, I think their late with their decisions this time cuz they did say it might only be in the first and second week of May if their’s no delays. I think it might either come last week of May to first week of June to be honest. I’ve checked some other threads as well and no one has gotten anything.

11 minutes ago, kurt zuniga said:

Nope, I think their late with their decisions this time cuz they did say it might only be in the first and second week of May if their’s no delays. I think it might either come last week of May to first week of June to be honest. I’ve checked some other threads as well and no one has gotten anything.

The Summer cohort start Monday and tbh its a lot of work leading up to the start of a new intake.. I'd be amazed if they would have had time to get another intake going at the same time.

Yeah you right, that's what I thought too whenever they said that in the webinar. Hopefully, we get it soon, cuz I'm in between schools atm.

I submitted 41 credit hours before the deadline and will have the 60 hours credit finished this Summer. Will my chances of getting in decrease given that I only submitted the minimum credit hours? Thank you

Specializes in cardio.
2 hours ago, Pinoyfried said:

I submitted 41 credit hours before the deadline and will have the 60 hours credit finished this Summer. Will my chances of getting in decrease given that I only submitted the minimum credit hours? Thank you

no your chances are not decreased 


Hi, what threads are you referring to? I was tryna to find out about  acceptances earlier today, but couldn't find any..

12 hours ago, kurt zuniga said:

Nope, I think their late with their decisions this time cuz they did say it might only be in the first and second week of May if their’s no delays. I think it might either come last week of May to first week of June to be honest. I’ve checked some other threads as well and no one has gotten anything.


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