UT Houston NET


Hi everybody

I am going to apply to UT Houston nursing school

and of course I have to pass the NET test

I already bought the study guide for the test but it does not have any science part

can somebody tell me what should I expect at the test

is it only math and reading or there are writing and science part

How difficult was it?

really appreciate your help, thanks

It tests math, reading comprehension, grammar type skills and science. The math is pretty basic but you may really need to brush up on grammar skills. The science seemed pretty broad to me-not really something you can study for. They are assuming you have a science basis through your prereqs. The rest of it is about your test taking strategies and other odd stuff like that. They only factor the math, english and science in to your admissions. The rest of it is for your knowledge. It's difficulty really depends on how long you have been out of school. It is the kind of stuff that you learned, but may have forgotten. The longer it has been since you took a test like this the longer you should study. Good luck!

I would brush up on your math skills if it has been a little while for you. And definately brush up on your english/grammar skills. The science stuff was pretty broad, and with the prereqs required, you should be fine. For me, and a lot of other people I talked to, the test wasn't a big deal. I did a little math brush up, but pretty much just walked in to the take the exam without studying and I did fine.

Thanks a lot for your answers

Can you tell me one more thing?

The science part was it chemistry, biology, anatomy or it was a mixture of them

The science part is a mixture of everything, just brush up on the basics like the other people advised.

I took & passed the test without studying, if u did well on the SAT and u still remember wat u studied, u'll be ok.


Specializes in Neuro.

hi elena,

here is a breakdown of the net test that i have added to my own website and what to expect:

information concerning the net (nurse entrance test)

the net test has gotten a lot of people freaked out! but, it can be passed. the main thing to remember is it is just a test!! we have all had to take them, and once a person gets into nursing school, it won't change! there will still be many a test to take!!

many people have asked what to expect on the net, so i will supply as much info as i can remember about it!!

there are various sections on the net that you will be tested on. most schools, though, only look at the reading and math portion, not any of the rest. why the rest is on there, i have no clue, but it is. so, here are the portions that you will test over, and what they contain:

  • critical thinking appraisal

    inferential reading
    main idea of passage
    predicting of outcomes

  • learning style







  • math skills

    algebra equations
    decimal operations
    fraction operations
    number systems conversions
    percentage operations

  • reading

reading rate per minute

reading percentile rank

reading level

  • stress level profile

    work place

  • topics (science)

    anatomy & physiology
    cellular biology
    testtaking skills

  • written expression

    pronoun case and principle parts of irregular verbs
    correct sentence structure
    relative pronouns of standard usage
    spelling demons
    subject & verb agreement

the net is a timed test, so be prepared to go quickly, but make sure that you take enough time to understand what you are reading. the test only grades you on the questions that you answer correctly, so it is to your benefit that you answer as many as you can. good luck if you are having to take the test and remember, this is one step closer to getting into the program!! make sure to check out the above link for net test practice. it is a great site!

here are a couple of sites to practice for the net. the study guide didn't seem to help near as much as these sites did.

http://hfcclab.info/net/index.htm - this site is a great site for practice tests and breaking it all down.

http://www.pvc.maricopa.edu/assessment/navnet/navnet1.html - this site is really good, as it gives examples of what the test will look like on the computer screen

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