
Specializes in acute care and geriatric.

I feel so used, My DON brought in a new nurse, finished nsg school with an RN, bu t got married and stayed home for 10 years and just now wants to begin her career...

I was instructed to help her learn the ropes (she needed everything to be taught to her- BP's, Insulin shots, IM's, IV's, assessments, careplans, dsgs, sterile technique, EKG's, foleys, etc. etc and I MEAN etc. All this at the expense of my regular work.

Two months into it, and its taking a lot of work, she announces a pregnancy ( she was 5 months pregnant when she announced it) and reduction in hours,

she gave birth a month ago and now tells us that she is not quitting but is not coming back to LTC- not because we weren't good to her, but because she wants to move on now that shes got the hang of things...

I feel so USED!!! I put so much into teaching her and she wasn't easy - required a lot of encouragement and practice!!! If she would have stayed a year, I'd feel at least we got something out of it, but we just got 6 months, and most of it was one to one tutorial in nursing!!!

According to my boss, there is nothing we can do- legally she is in the right, when I tell her we should have stipulated a two year contract if we were reeducating her, but my DON disagrees.


Well, I have to say it sure looks like you got the short end of this one. Better luck next time.

Specializes in LTC, Hospice, Case Management.

The world needs really good nurses and now you can take some pride in the fact that you just helped to add one!

It is difficult to see when in your position, and I don't blame you for feeling the way you do, but if this is the worst of your day good for you (said with the intent of a hug/smile):heartbeat

Specializes in acute care and geriatric.
Specializes in Sub-Acute, SNF,ICU,AL,Triage, Cardiac.

been there so many times - have lost count. not necessarily exact story, but similar situations. however, even a 2 year contract may not help unless you are in california (i think!). anyway, as the other writer said, at least you can take pride in actually taking someone who needed retraining and giving them the knowledge and confidence to reenter the workforce elsewhere - you can actually put that on your resume!

i know that doesn't take away that feeling for you, but this may be one of those cases where you focus on the positive, because the negative is what it is - "it is what it is". perhaps in the future the good karma will come back to you in a big way!

good luck!

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