Use Kaplan for NCLEX Prep? What'd ya think?


I just graduated from an ADN program and started the Kaplan NCLEX prep program. Let me start by saying this, I did very well in the program and have done thousands of practice questions during the course. The only reason I am telling you this is because I have major problem with the way that Kaplan is teaching us to take the test. The instructor is very good and knows her stuff but she is stressing this "Decision Tree" when answering questions rather than relying on knowledge, logic and common sense, which always worked for me. I'm not taking to this shortcut too well and I feel like I'm back in my first day of fundamentals when answering the questions. The correct answers often don't seem like the best answer.

So, is it me? Should I focus on mastering the "Decision Tree" method? Does it work? Are Kaplan's questions just plain bad? What was your experience with them, did they help you? Thanks.

I signed up for Kaplan, but then went home and had regrets. I did a ton of research and realized Kaplan is good for people that are poor test takers. If you do well on tests and feel confident in your ability, it's probably not the review course for you. I felt that I already knew how to answer test questions and learning a new way weeks to a month before taking the NCLEX was NOT going to be helpful to me at all. I emailed the guy and cancelled my Kaplan review course.

I have a couple friends currently taking the course, one likes it (she's not good with NCLEX style questions) and the other one regrets signing up (she always did well on tests). I have a family member and several people they know that quit going to Kaplan after the first couple sessions as they found it to be a waste of time.

I think it could be a huge help if you need help answering test questions, even though you're pretty good with content, but it sounds like that's not the case for you.

If you decide to not continue with Kaplan, just focus on doing a ton of NCLEX questions and reviewing the content of the questions you're getting wrong (actually do that even if you do continue with Kaplan). Good luck.

I also took Kaplan. Kaplan is definitely good for working on test taking strategies and critical thinking skills but mediocre when it comes to content, its very basic content. I somewhat agree with you. They take everything to the very basics even the calculations that aren't even going to be used. I also didn't warm up to the decision tree, I thought it was complete bogus and just slowed me down. You don't need the decision tree to pass, don't take it too seriously because its more of a guide to get Kaplan students to think about the question. I honestly didn't use it since it also depends on the actual question and I didn't trust it enough. I only think about it when I'm really stuck on a question.

Kaplans a good review though, I learned a lot there and the best part for me was the QBank. You should really take advantage of that since Kaplan has almost the same level of difficulty with the questions on NCLEX.

I like Kaplan and I did very well in school...graduated with a 3.73 GPA and was good at answering questions. In school we did ATI and some of the questions they ask and their rationales were crazy and Kaplan has some questions were I'm just like what the heck? I feel like Kaplan is not a content review course but just by reading the rationales and looking up stuff I didn't know along with using Kaplan has helped me tremendously. I take the exam tomorrow and feel well prepared. Will let you know how I do...good luck with review:)

I also took Kaplan. Kaplan is definitely good for working on test taking strategies and critical thinking skills but mediocre when it comes to content, its very basic content. I somewhat agree with you. They take everything to the very basics even the calculations that aren't even going to be used. I also didn't warm up to the decision tree, I thought it was complete bogus and just slowed me down. You don't need the decision tree to pass, don't take it too seriously because its more of a guide to get Kaplan students to think about the question. I honestly didn't use it since it also depends on the actual question and I didn't trust it enough. I only think about it when I'm really stuck on a question.

Kaplans a good review though, I learned a lot there and the best part for me was the QBank. You should really take advantage of that since Kaplan has almost the same level of difficulty with the questions on NCLEX.

I totally agree with you! Kaplan's online resources are great however the decision tree...ehh not the best! I use it only when I'm stuck.

I feel like some of the higher level questions you can't even use the the teaching/evaluation questions... I use when I am stuck too

so guys what about kaplan qbank..

Q-bank and trainers are all great! That's what you really pay all that $ for.

I did the Kaplan live review, all the Qbanks, all the Trainers, the SATA and Priority Sample tests and listened to some of the content videos. I passed w/ 75Q. I was a good student and think that the Decision Tree helped me decide between actual and potential problems on priority and delgation Qs. I have a classmate who is more of an intuitive test-taker and does better w/o using the tree. If you do all of the Kaplan Qbanks, you should feel comfortable either way when you take the NCLEX.

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