Published May 15, 2020
Aditi Sripati
1 Post
I just finished my RN from upstate NY. Thinking of moving to back to Canada. Wanted to know if anyone has in recent times gone through the process of having their degree evaluated and successfully started practicing as an RN in Canada?I understand a 2 year associates from a US college only allows you to work as an LPN in Canada. But I have a bachelors degree in Science from a Canadian university. Would that help me practice as an RN even when I move?
If anyone can shed some light on this situation, that would be great! thank you!
10 Articles; 18,927 Posts
Lots of discussion in the Canada forum:
Canadian RN licensure requires a BS in Nursing and passing their NCLEX exam.
NNAS is the National Nursing Assessment Service for Canada and the US, and this is the first step to getting your license is to register with this online service.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Moved to the Nurse Registration forum
The only real way to find out is submit application to the college and see what they decide once they review everything