US nursing student looking to work in London

Nurses General Nursing


I am a US nursing student, graduating in 2005 with a BSN/ RN. I want to move to London, because my future husband will be attending school there. My questions are:

1. I will be moving right after I graduate. Will I be required to have further experience in order to get a nursing job?

2. What is an agency, and will I have to register with one to get a job?

3. In general, how hard will it be for me to get a job, considering I will have no work experience as an RN. My only hospital work experience will be 3 months of summer work as a student.

If anyone has any other thoughts or ideas, please include them because I am pretty lost at the moment. Thank you for your help!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Nursing is in short supply everywhere in the UK especially in London so I don't think you would have a problem finding work, life is expensive in London so be prepared and nursing is different also than in the US. Try posting this in the UK Forum and also try our governing body web site for more info.

best of luck.

Anna :roll

I am just curious is there some reason you are going across the pond immediately? I would think being a new nurse is hard enoug without trying to learn it in a different country as well being new.


My apologies for the late reply:

I want to work in London right after I graduate because I will be moving there with my husband. He will be attending school there, so I want to get a nursing job if possible.

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