US LVN to Ireland


Specializes in er.

Hi, I am new so please forgive any errors, I have been a LVN in the ER for 13 years and am starting to work on my RN this fall, is it impossible to work in the UK as a LVN

Soory, but no. You need at least the RN for immigration purposes, plus they do not have LPNs in the UK.

Take a look at some earlier posts on this forum, there are the requirements listed to be able to get your license to practise in the UK listed here.

An LPN is the equivalent of the old State Enrolled Nurse in the UK. SEN's are pretty scarce on the ground as they were given assistance to become SRNs a while back. An nurse I worked with recently was from Ulster and she said that SEN's were pretty much replaced with auxillary workers with a title of HCA (can't remember if that stood for Health Care Aide or Auxillary), who do a lot of the bedside care and depending on the health authority involved could do a bit more. But having said that there was a lot that RN's over there didn't do (chest assessments and morphine for pain relief where all done by Drs in her area)

Hope this gives you some idea of what to expect.

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