Update- job from h*!!

Nurses General Nursing


It's been almost 9 months or so, and I haven't been active much on the forum...but I had made some posts about the hostile work environment at my job, and how my nurse manager tried to write me up for med errors that didn't happen and for documentation errors made by another nurse. Well after submitting and resubmitting and resubmitting my transfer...I finally just quit. I'm now working in a different hospital...and it's like nothing I've ever experienced before. I'm still waiting for the "honeymoon" to be over, because everyone is too nice...It's almost unreal. It's not perfect, and there are still nurses who dont' give a $$it...but it's such a relief to not be held responsible for those nurses actions. To not have to micromanage every tiny aspect of care for everyone's patients because I'm charge and "it's my responsibility". I'm not quit making as much as I was before, and have had to economize...but I'm less stressed, and much happier...my husband and family have noted a huge change in me.I'm even having less back trouble. My new coworkers have told me they don't understand why I'm so uptight sometimes about checking and rechecking to make sure that how I'm doing something fits into any interpretation of the policies/procedures. It's been almost 2 years since I've had a nurse manager tell me that I'm doing an even halfway decent job, much less say "well done". It's still so alien to me to not have every incident with an irate pt/family be my fault...I was so shocked when my new nurse manager said "you can't please everyone...don't worry about it, you did everything you could and should have done."

I guess I'm posting this so that maybe someone who was stuck in a position with workplace mobbing/bullying can see that it's not always like that. I'm still very wary, and I won't stop watching my back...but I'm starting to regain my confidence in myself. And I'll never stay somewhere for the pay/benefits again...I don't care how great a paycut I have to take, or if I even have to take a second or third job. I can always make more money, I'll always have bills, but I feel emotionally battered from the experiences at my old job, and the pay wasn't worth the abuse.

Thanks...I'm so much happier these days.

I am happy to see that everything is working out for you. I just came out of a bad job, it was so bad that I started to think that maybe nursing just isn't for me, I have gone through some of the same crap that you have written, and couldn't believe that they can get away with it, maybe Union is best! Its sad when you have to put administration before patient care.

Good Luck

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