*Update*Booted on last day of the semester

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So, if you recall my last post...you know I got kicked out on the last day of the semester and had chosen to look at the bright side of things. I had decided to go back to school and pursue the rest of my pre-reqs for the RN program and then return to the LVN program in the fall(would have 1 more class to take and another semester to wait before they accepted for ADN) Well, I registered online for classes last week and it went through. I was elated. Well, they called me the next day and said that I owed the school over $2000 and I wouldn't be able to attend classes this winter or spring OR return to the LVN program until it's paid off. (Long story...I had a pell grant)Well, I gave up pretty much everything to start the program, including a job I left on bad terms because they didn't want to work w/me in regards to my school schedule. Sooo, I don't have that money growing on a tree in my backyard(would be nice though!) Long story short: I am on assistance...so if I get a job my bills will syrocket(they like to take all of your money when you try to help yourself)This will cancel out me saving money for school and I will fall into that pit of working a dead end job and not going back to school. So, needless to say, I am disenchanted at this point and I really don't know what to do. I have no direction at this point, thus no motivation. I have racked my brains for a solution...but no ideas yet. I'm trying to stay positive, but it's kinda hard.

Thanks for letting me express my feelings.

And no, I can't get a loan...tried it already, lol.:p

Specializes in Pediatrics.

My prayers are with you, but of course you know I am always praying for you. You are beautiful, Vero, inside and out. Although now it may not seem like it, you are about to have a great blessing come out of this. I was thinking...do you have your CNA? I know that local hospitals here will do tuition assistance for patient care technicians going for their RNs. So, if you get employed at a participating hospital, you can have the hospital pay. Now, I know what you said about the assistance- so a workaround would be to find out if your social services has a welfare to work program. You can work a certain amount of hours, and still receive assistance for up to a set period of time... If your take home pay does not exceed certain limits after this time period is up, you have to sign a new contract. It may be called transitional assistance also. Also, if you are doing pre-reqs at the same school, you should be able to defer payments or sign a payment contract, which would put you on academic probation but will allow you to receive aid. ANOTHER option is to do your pre-reqs through a different aid eligible school. If one isn't really close, why not apply to Deaconess? They are expensive, but they are eligible for Title IV funds, meaning you could get Pell, loans, other grants... You may not want to finish your program online, which is cool- but it is a means to an end! Another efficient way of getting some of your pre-reqs out of the way would be to do CLEP exams. You can CLEP many subjects. A friend of mine, in slightly similar situation to yours, lost her federal aid. So, she had to drop out completely. Now, she just goes to the library, takes out different text books, and self-teaches herself. There are study aids available in bookstores and online (programs, study guides, etc.) that help you to prepare, if that is an easier method for you. She does a mixture of study guides, practice tests online, and then she looks up difficult topics in the text books for more clarification. The internet has a wealth of reliable (and not so reliable:o ) information that can also be referenced, and there are online libraries, too! Just a couple of ideas...

This situation happened to me too at my school. I had to drop out of school once and I had already bought all my books and such. The school had already charged my financial aid account for my classes but they hadn't charged my account for my books. So when they mailed me back the left over money from my financial aid, I thought everything was already paid for. Well turns out, they mailed me back too much money. Ofcourse I spent the money and wound up having to pay the school back $455 dollars for the books they never paid for. Everybody goes through some type of hard time in school. I know what you are going through. I was working at Little Caesar's pizza as a Co-manager, making 9.00 an hour with no help from my childrens father. I had a 600 dollar house note, I was being sued for 4,000 dollars for an unpaid credit card bill, owed for my computer, two more credit card bills, not to mention my utility bills and money to go back and forth to work. I was tired of working at my job as it was draining me and I was becoming severely depressed. I quit that job, with no other job in sight. I prayed and I am still in the process in working in a place where I am happy at while I am going through school. I am working now, but it isn't where I want to work. But where there is a will there is a way, and God has saved me from hard times many a time before. Since I know He did it for me and others I am confident He will do it for you. The answer doesn't always come when you want it to, but rest assured it will come. I will be praying for your greater good Veronica. I admire your strength and courage. Girl this is not the end for you yet, and I know great things will come for you. Don't give up and keep hope alive. I know how difficult things can get especially being a single mother, but as long as you keep your focus and determination, things will turn out beautifully for you. Don't quit five minutes before the miracle. Inhale Peace, Exhale Joy!!!!!!!

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