University of Texas Nursing Program


Any have any input on applying and being accepted? I was thinking about TWU at first, but I don't have the GPA to even get looked at.

In general would you say UT is easier to get into?

And how is the program, any opinions abouti t?


Which UT are you referring to?

University of Texas - Austin.


anyone have any input?

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well, sorry ur not getting any feedback, but most ppl don't apply to that school because they usually favor their UT-austin students. I wanted to apply there but they told me that I had to take my pre-reqs there, which i did not, so I lost interest in their school. I don't know any info about that UT branch, but I would just apply everywhere if I were u..

Specializes in Pediatric Heme/Onc and Pulmonary.

UT Austin has an excellent nursing school. They do have several prerequisites that you are required to take at UT. They do that so that they know the quality of classes their students are receiving. Otherwise, if someone took it somewhere else they may not have the knowledge base that is required in some of their upper division courses. This would put the student at a disadvantage. Texas AM just opened so I don't know much about the program. They are probably working out some things since they are new but their curriculum looks good and AM is a quality university overall so I think it would be fine.

UTA and UT health science center in Houston are both very hard to get into.UTA has a big reputation (that i still don't understand) with so many applicant, so their admissions is very competitive.However,UT-houston is one of the top nursing schools are well, and also extremely competitive since so many people apply there and they don't accept that many people each semester (now). TWU is also a tough school to get admissions too,but I would say alot easier than getting into both UTs. I would just still apply to them all and see what happens.

P.S. You should apply to Prairie View's school of nursing.They are more open to accepting alot more people than UT and TWU,but don't assume there program is easy just because of that!

Good Luck!

Hi, I am about to graduate from UT Austin SoN. It's a great school....but has its faults as well. As for applying, it's definitely good to start out as a UT student. If you have science courses that will transfer, then great! However, they WILL require that you take pharmacology, nursing communications, ethics, and an elective before acceptance to the upper division (aka nursing school). The UT Nursing website has useful information like what classes are required and what not. I recommend calling the Nursing office and finding out when the next available 'if you want to go to nursing school here, this is what you have to do' session is (they have a couple each semester) which is given by the pre-nursing advisors. Then go from there. It can be tricky. I had to make many a phone-call, send many an e-mail, and bust my butt on pre-reqs. But it's worth it!! And Austin is a great city to live in as well.


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