Published Feb 28, 2010
39 Posts
Hi all,
I has a couple of questions about USN's Accelerated BSN program. Does anybody know if this school offers any kind of loan forgiveness program...e.g. one where you could work at a hospital for x number of years, and in turn have them cover some of your school loans. I know MSMC college in LA does that, but thus far, I haven't heard of anything of that nature applying to USN.
Also, for people in the program now: were there alot of scholarship opportunities? Or was it fairly limited.
If any USN nursing students could apply some insight, I would be extremely grateful. :) I'm applying but I'm a bit concerned about the cost of the program itself.
408 Posts
There isn't one now. If there is one, it's a scholarship kind of thing. You apply directly to the hospital. I think there was before. USN at one time had it. A friend of mine got into the program years ago. If youre worried about cost, don't do it. Theres no guarantee you'll get a job afterwards. But, USN is a better choice than Apollo though. Atleast, you'll graduate with a BSN (probably around the same price).
Thanks for the response :)
I am worried about the cost..but no matter what Accelerated BSN program or MSN I apply to, I think it would be costly anyways. I'm from out-of-state, and going to private school in NV actually costs as much, or less than some of the private schools over here.
I'm sure I wouldn't necessarily be guaranteed a job, but I'm hoping the chances of me landing one in NV is better than they are here in so cal. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Sheesh. . . there's no jobs for new grads in NV, very FEW. NSC is perfect for you! since youre out-of-state, they can charge you more. They'll let let you in faster! Try them out, plus theyre fully accredited now with a part-time program. Private schools just arent as attractive as they used to be!
I've considered applying to NSC, but everytime I try to contact their admissions people, it almost always goes straight to voicemail. It's been a bit hard for me to get info on that school aside from the website.
I'm kind of confused as to how the admissions process works, since I don't have all of their pre-reqs. If admitted, I know I would have to take on the "pre-nursing" major to complete those missing classes...but after all of that is out of the way, I'm assuming that won't ensure me a spot in the actual nursing school, since they only take 32 students each fall for their accelerated track.
I'll definitely look into it more though. I actually want to move to NV for a bit!
I just put a link up about UNLV's nursing program, it is on the hit list for budget cuts (believe it or not). It was in the news this morning. I don't know about NSC if theyre doing the same thing but here is a summary of how it works. I think their deadline is march 15? You apply to the school as a pre-nursing major, then you can apply for nursing program if you only have to complete up to 20 credits or less. For example, you still have 15 credits left to complete, apply while you are completing your pre-reqs during the summer. If accepted, you'll get in for sure in the fall of the SAME year you applied. Their process is exactly the way its listed on their website. If youre points are not as competitive, they put you on a waiting list. Youre in California right? What's wrong with the state schools there?
Thanks for clarifying that for me! NSC hasnt really been returning my calls or I'm glad someone could explain that process :)
I've been applying to a lot of programs in so cal, most of them being entry level masters programs, and thus far, I haven't seen much luck. There are alot of state school nursing programs here, but they are verrrry competitive, and go by a points system, usually with no waiting list (i.e. if I don't get in when I applied this year, I have to wait until the next filing period). Ultimately, I think I'm just running out of patience.
Right now, I'm keeping my options open, and still applying to any program I can. I'll still apply to USN but I think tuition is way too much. I also sent an application to NSC as a pre-nursing major, so I'll see how that turns out. I would prefer to do an ADN program over here in so cal, but it's the same deal...points system, super long waitlist..and my core science GPA is not that hot in the first place, so I'd be placed way at the bottom Out-of-state schools seem like a viable option right now.
Also contributing to me wanting to move is having a boyfriend that lives in Vegas who can house me and whatnot...but I try not to factor that into my decision.
Thanks for clarifying that for me! NSC hasnt really been returning my calls or I'm glad someone could explain that process :)I've been applying to a lot of programs in so cal, most of them being entry level masters programs, and thus far, I haven't seen much luck. There are alot of state school nursing programs here, but they are verrrry competitive, and go by a points system, usually with no waiting list It's basically the same here. Nevada nursing schools go by a point system too. Theyre just as competitive and probably even more. There are only a few schools to choose from. But you might be able to get in, because their pool of applicants are not as "overflowing" as they used to be. Private schools are finding that out. State schools are taking notice, but I don't think they care. Theyre too busy with their budget problems. If youre in California, maybe you should just stay there. Maybe more options for you? Plus, youre a California resident right?
I've been applying to a lot of programs in so cal, most of them being entry level masters programs, and thus far, I haven't seen much luck. There are alot of state school nursing programs here, but they are verrrry competitive, and go by a points system, usually with no waiting list
It's basically the same here. Nevada nursing schools go by a point system too. Theyre just as competitive and probably even more. There are only a few schools to choose from. But you might be able to get in, because their pool of applicants are not as "overflowing" as they used to be. Private schools are finding that out. State schools are taking notice, but I don't think they care. Theyre too busy with their budget problems. If youre in California, maybe you should just stay there. Maybe more options for you? Plus, youre a California resident right?
Thanks for clarifying that for me! NSC hasnt really been returning my calls or I'm glad someone could explain that process :)I've been applying to a lot of programs in so cal, most of them being entry level masters programs, and thus far, I haven't seen much luck. There are alot of state school nursing programs here, but they are verrrry competitive, and go by a points system, usually with no waiting list (i.e. if I don't get in when I applied this year, I have to wait until the next filing period). Ultimately, I think I'm just running out of patience.Just curious, why would you apply for a nursing entry-level masters program? You need to be an RN already before you even qualify for anything like that? They won't consider you at all if you have a bachelor's on something else. Nevada nursing schools are just as hard to get in. Actually, I think it's less hard there because there's more nursing schools (both public and private). Since California higher education schools have raised their fees and it's harder to get loans now, less people can apply. You'll get in, you'll see. If not, try again! They will see it your way eventually! :)
Just curious, why would you apply for a nursing entry-level masters program? You need to be an RN already before you even qualify for anything like that? They won't consider you at all if you have a bachelor's on something else. Nevada nursing schools are just as hard to get in. Actually, I think it's less hard there because there's more nursing schools (both public and private). Since California higher education schools have raised their fees and it's harder to get loans now, less people can apply. You'll get in, you'll see. If not, try again! They will see it your way eventually! :)
The entry level masters programs I applied to are specifically for people with non-nursing degrees. I graduated from a four-year UC school and they didn't offer nursing at my time of application (nor did I want to become a nurse), but I eventually decided in my sophomore year of college that I wanted to pursue it. True, it's competitive anywhere, I've been discouraged from applying to schools down here because of the rejection i've gotten thus far. I really wanted to go to Western U in Pomona, CA, for their Nurse Practitioner program. I almost made it in, but no cigar.
I think masters/post-bacc Nursing programs are becoming a little like pharm/med/dental/whatever other health care profession in that going out of state is one of the better options for people like me...or if not that, definitely a viable option. Thanks for the encouragement though :)
Goodluck there Sash! :)
I really wanted to go to Western U in Pomona, CA, for their Nurse Practitioner program. I almost made it in, but no cigar. Hey sash, forgot to ask you, how long is the program at Western U? It's two years right? And have you tried applying up in northern Cali?
Hey sash, forgot to ask you, how long is the program at Western U? It's two years right?
And have you tried applying up in northern Cali?