University of South Florida, Vanderbilt, MUSC, & GSU

Nursing Students NP Students


Hello all! I am new to Allnurses and excited to be able to share info with so many people! (This is actually my first thread!)

I have applied to several schools for the PNP program, and was hoping for any and all feedback from current students. Some background- I have my BSN and currently work in the PICU. I have applied to University of South Florida, University of Florida, Medical University of South Carolina, Vanderbilt, University of Alabama, and Georgia State University. All start dates are Fall 2014.

Can anyone tell me about when I will hear back whether I was accepted or rejected from any of the above universities? Also, to any current students, what's the program like at your university? Do you feel it has prepared you adequately to practice as a PNP?

Finally, does anyone have any suggestions as to other PNP program I should consider? I am willing to relocate within reason... I am in the south eastern part of the country and would prefer to stay here due to my husband's job and family. I am open to online or on ground programs. I will eventually aim for my DNP but will consider BSN-MSN and BSN-DNP programs. Finally, I am not overly worried about cost... It is an investment I am willing to make.


Specializes in Internal medicine/critical care/FP.

usually reputable programs come from reputable universities. may not be true 100% of the time, but usually the program reflects the university. i have heard great things about vanderbilts distance program. regarding the other questions, i don't know. I just didn't want to leave you hanging in the water with no responses. good luck and best wishes!

usually reputable programs come from reputable universities. may not be true 100% of the time, but usually the program reflects the university. i have heard great things about vanderbilts distance program. regarding the other questions, i don't know. I just didn't want to leave you hanging in the water with no responses. good luck and best wishes!

In other threads you said online programs are horrible, and now you are saying you've heard great things about Vanderbilt's distance program. Make up your mind, please. You're very confusing.

Specializes in Internal medicine/critical care/FP.

I forgot to specific that i was referring to the for profit universities and the ones that take anybody with a bachelors degree and 50,000$. My fault completely, I'll try to be more specific next time. Thanks for pointing that out!


I forgot to specific that i was referring to the for profit universities and the ones that take anybody with a bachelors degree and 50,000$. My fault completely, I'll try to be more specific next time. Thanks for pointing that out!


I agree with you on that at least.

Thank you for your comment! I hope I will find out soon enough! :)


have you heard from any of your schools yet?

im also waiting to hear from UF.....

Well I got accepted to University of South Florida and Vanderbilt so far! I received an email from UFL that said I didn't meet the GRE requirements (guess my scores were too low) but I could fill out this form to get that waived.... I didn't do it because I had already heard back from USF, and I really don't have a lot of extra time right now. I haven't received a letter or anything that says I am rejected, but I am assuming I didn't get in there because of that requirement. I also heard back from GSU that I need to send in proof of a Georgia license but I haven't done that- Licenses by endorsement are expensive I found out... Just doesn't seem worth it. I ended up spending around $300 for my FL RN license. But I am officially a Registered Nurse in the state of Florida. I am somewhat torn between Vanderbilt and USF. Vandy has better rankings but they are crazy expensive... even with out of state tuition, USF is cheaper. I know I said I am not concerned with cost but since I have the choice, it is something to consider. I wonder if it really matters if you go to a higher ranked school? We all take the same certification exam right? Anyway, I am looking for nursing jobs in peds in tampa right now... Kind of a tough market. No one wants me because I don't have a year of experience. Anyway, I assume it is probably good that you haven't heard from UF yet... I think they probably weed out the definite no's first. Did you apply to USF?

I did apply to USF. And I got accepted into the fall FNP program.

My GRE scores were borderline and the bare minimum to get into UF. I did do the petition, however. And trust me, it was not just filling out a form. Lol! It was like writing your admission essay all over again. But I did it because I thought the rest of my application packet was pretty competitive. So.... Still waiting to hear but I've already begun my acceptance packet at USF. I'm satisfied with my acceptance there for sure. But ive always wanted to be a Gator! I love it up there.

Yeah that is how my scores were too.. But I like Tampa better because of the beach :) At least you got accepted somewhere so you have an option! Well I hope you get in to UFL since that is the one you want! If not, then I will see you in Tampa! Although I am in the peds program, I think we will share some classes at first! Keep me updated!

FL911RN what is your GPA? If you don't mind me asking. Am looking at USF. Congrats by the way!

Thanks! I did the rn to BSN program and am finishing with a 3.93 GPA.

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