University of Phoenix (lpn-bsn) ARIZONA

Nursing Students School Programs


I'm considering doing my lpn to bsn through UOP. If anyone is currently enrolled or has recently graduated, I'd love to hear from you.

What is the schedule like for class and clinical, times, etc?

is the school and instructors supportive of your academics sucess or do they find any reason to drop students?

Anything else you'd like to add, good or bad I'd appreciate hearing from you.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the Schools/Program forum

Specializes in GENERAL.

Go to ( to look up graduation and retention rates on UOP. They are both sub-par for this expensive for-profit conglomeration of schools throughout the U.S.

Also do a thorough web search and what you find may be disconcerting. Ther are many more less expensive options that won't require you to take out loans that will bog you down financially for years to come. (community colleges)

Remember at the for-profits the academic advisors are also salespeople. But again the ultimate quality of any school lies in its ability to actually retain students and produce college graduates. These schools do but again their numbers are so low but for the money it turns most students who attend into indebted dropouts.

No earnest young student should have to play that kind of a game of chance with their time, education and treasure.

I make these statements for informational purposes. All Post secondary school attendance decisions are, of course, yours to make.

Just be wary and extremly careful.

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