UnitedHealth - computer question


Curious if anyone knows if UHG supplies a computer for work at home positions? If not, is it ok to use your "regular" computer or do you need to buy one exclusively for UHG work use?

Also, for those familiar with UHG case management/UR positions, what is your typical day start to finish. I know/I've read the many posts about being micro-managed...over-worked, etc. I am just looking for the "typical day" type stuff.

I can only speak to the computer question as i do not work for UHG, but my friend does. They supply computer and REQUIRE you to use it for safety reasons (anti-hacking software, firewalls, etc).

Thank you for your reply loriannprice.

of course they supply computer. think HIPAA.

Thank you for your reply. I'm not sure why "of course" is the answer. As I stated in my question, requiring one to purchase or use a computer exclusively for your job would solve the "HIPAA" issue. Also, since I have never worked in a position such as this, I'm not sure exactly what the computer work will be like. I assume accessing EMRs for review and submitting reports, both of which could be password protected and cover HIPAA compliance, if on a separate computer on a secure network.

Do you have any insight into the "typical day"? I would appreciate any that you could give me. If not with UHG, I'd also be curious about other similar UR positions.

Yes they supply computer and pay for your internet.

Yes they supply computer and pay for your internet.

Thank you for your reply. Do you have experience with them?

Yes I have experience with them

Yes I have experience with them

Thank you for your reply.

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