Union vs. Nonunion-Worth Dues Paid?

Nurses General Nursing


:confused: which do you prefer: union or non-union hospitals?

if you work for a union hospital, how much do you pay in dues, and is it worth it? :rolleyes:

thank you very much for your input! :kiss

we are non-union is a hospital system that is all union. in other word, we are the only non-contract hospital. love no paying dues, but would like to pay them to get the better benefits! we are currently making attempts to get the union in but it's a slow process.... what are your thoughts and have you organized if not union and how did you do it???

Specializes in neuro, ICU/CCU, tropical medicine.
To paraphrase Winston Churchhill, a unionized hospital is the worst kind of employment except for all those others....

I work in a unionized facility, and I pay about $0.37 per hour dues. This an small price to pay for better pay, benefits and peace of mind.

"A Union can only be as strong as it's members!" It takes work and some dedication from the union membership to accomplish anything.

Yes, yes, and yes.

I've worked in both unionized and non-unionized hospitals and, IMO, your union dues are worth every penny!

Specializes in neuro, ICU/CCU, tropical medicine.
I've worked at non-union and union hospitals and I'll take a non-union place any day. Unions DO work to elevate RN salaries and for that I am eternally grateful but there seems to always be a downside...mediocrity! In non-union hospitals nurses advance on merit not just seniority. There's too much "dead wood" in union hospitals who rely on their seniority rather than their initiative.

Since you are basing your opinion on your anecdotal experiences, let me interject mine:

I've worked in both unionized (plural) and non-unionized hosptials (also plural) and found that the quality of nursing care is far superior in unionized facilities.

Specializes in neuro, ICU/CCU, tropical medicine.
Joining a union is against my religion.

Which religion is that?

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