Published Sep 23, 2024
science_wiz, MSN
48 Posts
hey yall, I saw that no one had created a thread for this cycle so I thought that I would get things started.
27 Posts
Hi there! Submitted my application today! I have a friend who is a current student in the program and she said they send out interview invites pretty quickly after the deadline for applications
CurlyInScrubs, ASN, BSN, LPN, RN
40 Posts
Hello there! I submitted my application today I am pretty nervous!
31 Posts
My last recommendation was submitted today, so I'm finally verified. Now we wait, so anxious LOL.
3 Posts
I got my application in by the deadline does anyone know maybe from past or current students when we will start hearing anything
Lisa .c, BSN
41 Posts
Submitted through NursingCAS the other day but wrapping up the university application they send out. Has anyone heard if this school is on the harder or easier ( as easy as CRNA school can be LOL ) side ?
Are you all religious if you don't mind me asking ? I saw that union puts a lot of emphasis on being a faith based program. I was just curious 🙂
LolaLynnRN said: Are you all religious if you don't mind me asking ? I saw that union puts a lot of emphasis on being a faith based program. I was just curious 🙂
Complete opposite, I'm an atheist. I just see the faith portion as a way to get a better understanding of my faith based patients.
Does anyone else's supplemental application say that their transcripts have not been received but my nursingcas is verified
science_wiz said: Does anyone else's supplemental application say that their transcripts have not been received but my nursingcas is verified
Yes mine looks like that but I got an email from them said I had everything completed so I assumed it was fine
Ronnix23 said: I got my application in by the deadline does anyone know maybe from past or current students when we will start hearing anything
Last year, based on the forum, applications were due 10/1 and they sent out interview invites 10/9.
BigSTLguy_, BSN, RN
11 Posts
I've applied as well! Nursingcas application was verified a while ago. Looking forward for an opportunity to interview. Good luck to everyone!