Uninsured=financial ruin

Nurses Activism


admittedly this is anecdotal but the story still speaks to a larger issue. having affordable access to health care is an essential part of the social contract. being uninsured and lacking access to health care puts patients at risk for early death and is one of the single greatest causes of personal bankruptcy in the us. both of these eventualities are quite likely to play out in this woman's life.

from daily kos: http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2007/1/14/1438/61856

(emphasis added)

a woman came to the emergency room with advanced cancer. against the advice of several doctors, she decided to delay treatment until she was sure she had been accepted by medicaid.


i must tell you from my vantage point, we have evolved into a society where there are tiers of citizenship.

one tier for those who are barely hanging on.

another tier for those who have slipped through the thoroughly destroyed safety net.

and a tier, for very fortunate people like me. people who can afford to patch together a life and pay for healthcare when the insurance company refuses to honor the social contract.

what you're going to read is about honoring the social contract.

a woman, let's call her inez, came to the emergency room last week. she was complaining of various symptoms (which i'll spare you) but they weren't good.

turned out she had advanced cervical cancer. naturally, it was recommended that she begin treatment immediately. chemo, radiation, surgery. she was an uninsured amercan. perhaps had she been insured, she would not have waited until her symptoms became acute to seek treatment. but she did wait, fearing financial ruin--not for herself, but for her family.

she was frightened, proud and tentative. finally, as she spoke, all the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. she was uninsured. she had applied or was in the process of applying for medicaid but was still not approved.

her doctor told me she said over and over, "i can't leave my family with a mountain of bills."

i am worried about inez because he said she was resolute. she absolutely would not think of beginning treatment until her medicaid application was approved. that begs the question, will it be approved? and what will happen to her if it isn't approved. i. don't. know.

most tragic, she was certain that her country would come through for her. again, her doctor related to me what she said. "how can they not accept me?" "i am sick, but i am an american citizen."

i'll tell you why they may not accept you, inez. because in the united states of america, health care is only a right if you are rich, powerful or an elected official.

I think we can eliminate the insurance companies with their denial of care schemes. Improve Medicare and cover everyone.


Specializes in burn, geriatric, rehab, wound care, ER.

Why do the criminals get the best deal? An ex-prison nurse tells me that inmates get priority organ transplants, brand-name drugs, complete physicals, dental and vision care. Even death row inmates! Transexual inmates get their feminizing hormones! For free! And we're paying for it!

So the bad guys get adequate health care and the good guys, who follow the rules, get the rest of the healthcare system, which is expensive and inefficient, at the risk of financial ruin. What a great system! Justice for all! Not. The American Dream? I don't think so.

I think we can eliminate the insurance companies with their denial of care schemes. Improve Medicare and cover everyone.


If we could get the insurance companies to insure people for a reasonable rate irregardless of pre-existing conditions then I would be AGAINST universal healthcare. Heck I would be happiest if there were no government, no lawyers, no insurance companies, and no big business (drug companies) involved in my healthcare. I would rather have total control of my healthcare. But than I just looked in my checkbook and realized that I haven't won the lottery.

Fuzzy, who realy doesn't buy LOOTO tickets as they are just a fancy name for tax.

Specializes in burn, geriatric, rehab, wound care, ER.

a family member has just been diagnosed with a brain tumor. He has no insurance. This scares me more than the cancer.

…A new study published in the February 2007 issue of the American Journal of Medical Genetics reveals that individuals with genetic conditions are twice as likely to report having been denied health insurance than individuals with other chronic illnesses.

In the study, more than a quarter (27 percent) of individuals with genetic conditions and serious medical conditions reported having been denied health insurance or offered it at a prohibitive rate.

Almost all of the individuals in the study (89.7 percent) said they obtained their health insurance through either their employer (59.4

percent) or their spouse’s employer (30.8 percent). Nearly half of employed individuals (48.9 percent) said they felt they could not leave their jobs because they would lose their health insurance….


Genetic anti-bias bill is back

The seventh time may be the charm for backers of a bill to ban genetic discrimination in health insurance plans and the workplace.

The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (HR 493) would make it illegal for insurers to deny coverage to a healthy individual based solely on a genetic predisposition to a specific disease and for employers to use individuals' genetic information in personnel decisions.

President Bush also supports the measure.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has been a key opponent of the bill …


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