I work at a privatly owned physician day procedure unit as an RN. We work a 4 day work week and are expected to be available for 12 hours each work day. We receive our schedule the day before we work. We may work 8-12 hours. We are paid time and a half for hours over 40 in a work week.
Due to nurse shortages (high turnover) and increased workload our hours have been increasing steadily.
Many of us nurses do not want overtme and feel it is unfair to be asked to be available for 48 hours a week, based on our 4 day work week. It is also unfair to have a less than 24 hours notice of our schedule. Many of us getting 45+, when we used to get 34 hours.
We have approached thw nurse manager with no promises of change or solution.... only excuses.
Please help!
Work/life balance is important to us!
Thank you in advance!