Published May 17, 2006
13 Posts
Hello all,
I live in a small town in southern Indiana. I am currently trying to make a major decision on where to attend nursing school. I'm hoping that somebody can give me some advice on why I should or should not attend Ivy Tech - Columbus and/or Ivy Tech- Bloomington. This is a big decision for me and I need to know that I am making the right one. Any advice would be much appreciated!
Nurse Ratched, RN
2,149 Posts
What is the distance in miles for each one for you (have to be practical with gas prices where they are going if you're going to be commuting .) Bton is also over a fairly treacherous road in the winter if you need to take 46, and clinicals require you to be up with the chickens.
Have you been accepted to both?
In my admittedly outsider's opinion, I've worked at a hospital with students in the Columbus and Bloomington programs. I didn't see major differences.
Have you considered IUPUC as well?
Dear Nurse Ratched,
Thanks for your opinion. As it turns out both campuses are approx. 45 min. from my home. I have been accepted at Columbus, and I expect to be accepted at Bloomington as well . Bloom. still hasn't sent out letters, but I have a great GPA and scores on my TEAS exam. The thing is that I feel I'm being offered better hospital choices for clinicals with the Columbus campus; however, I've been told that they just started their 2 year RN program within the last year. I was told by more than one source that they have had some faculty and administrative problems and alot of political upheavel within the school. Bloomington doesn't offer as many great choices for clinical sites, but I hear the education from them is excellent. As for IUPUC, I'm told they only offer an LPN to RN transition
course. I don't currently have my LPN license, and at this point in my life I'm just ready to get my ASN. Should I decide to return to school one day - hopefully the place I work will be willing to pay for the rest of my schooling.
P.S. Hope I've posted this in the right place, I'm still getting used to this site.