Published Oct 14, 2009
39 Posts
I'm a 3rd year student in Orange Coast Community college with GPA of 3.0 (not so great). My first major was biology but the thought of 8-10 years of school and stay in one place while working some what discouraged me. I want to change to Nursing career because of the money (not gona lie), many varieties of nursing careers (thinking of informatic nursing). I like helping people and all but I heard nurses really get looked down on by others even the patients is this true? I don't mind wiping butts or anything like that if it pays well and the job is good. I really want to know how HARD is the classes for nursing career. When i search around, it seems like many people are regretting about this career. Which is harder nursing career or pharmacy. Should I just continue with biology major or change to this knowing that it is practically next to impossible to get in a good nursing school especially with my GPA. What should I do? I'm so stressing out right now I feel like my balls are getting kicked every minute. I already asked like 4 counselors in the past 2 months and I dont feel like they helped me out at all. They all just wanted to get the appointment end early......atleast this is how i feel. Is this because I'm a guy and they're viewing me differently??:angryfireoh forgot to add, I checked out Golden west College nursing center and found out that it gona be like 6-7 years to get my nursing associate.... is this long?? or nah (2 years to take extra bio classes to apply, 2-3 years waitlist, and 2 years time to get the degree.
hiddencatRN, BSN, RN
3,408 Posts
If it's 6 years to an associate's degree, why not go to a 4 year BSN program? Or continue with biology for only a few more years past the time to get an ADN?
well I asked the counselor and he told me that it even harder to get into a 4 year BSN program ><. yea i was thinking about finishing up my biology major while waiting for the waitlist. but isnt it kinda waste of time what can do with in nursing lol mean need too they different classes so...>
Well, you can't know if you'll get in to a BSN nursing program if you don't try. IME, it's community colleges that are harder to get in to because of the wait lists and because they are so affordable.